The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” I first heard of this famous sentence in ‘The Lion King 11/2’ – one of my best-ever cartoons. These words have stuck with me ever since I saw that movie. Not that I fully grasped the meaning back then, but I can recall that those words set the tone of the entire movie itself.

Before you ask, this is not a movie review or a cartoon fan base space. I am only trying to connect the dots here😁. So, let’s get back on track…

If there is anything I have learned from life, it is the fact that one can (set the bricks) begin to achieve heart desires only when the first action is done.

Your dreams, visions, goals, and every other word that can perfectly describe your most desired future state will only begin to take shape when you take the first steps at it.

Nothing is achieved by putting only pen to paper or words to the table of your heart. You need to bring those words into actionable practice. Now, as Christians, do we make moves for moving sake? Nope. We are encouraged to commit all our affairs to the hands of God.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Understanding the power in these verses is very key to your journey in life. It doesn’t only come in as an invaluable help when things are moving in the right direction; It is very handful when we can’t understand the crisis or solve the problem.

We also need to understand that the journey itself serves as a refining process to prepare us for the promised land – your goals and desires. Remember the sojourn of the Israelites in the wilderness? It was not an easy ride for the children of Israel. They had to go through different travails that led to their purging and purification.

God used that desert wandering to help them blossom; and the beautiful thing about such situations is that you come out fully laden with a wealth of experience that guides your direction even when you get to the endpoint. It is therefore advised that you try as much to enjoy (much more than endure) the journey.

Whenever you are caught up in the web of doubt as you journey through life, there should always be that strong solace in the fact that you have a resolute learning intention which should fuel your drive. This helps you enjoy the learning process, stay focused and reinforce your purpose.

Finally, I would like you to know this:

When the going gets tough, God is always within reach to help you steady your steps

I will leave you with this popular Bible verse:
Hebrews 12:2 – “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;…”