By: Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji

Date: Sunday, March 5, 2023.

Venue: UNILAG Multipurpose Hall.

Texts: Exodus 19:4

Eagles have exceptional qualities which will inspire you and help you be strong in life.
One of the highest flying and biggest bird in life; the eagle is a symbol of power, victory, bravery,
and royalty.


Have a strong vision
Eagles can spot their prey up to 5 kilometers below and their eyes sight is way better than most
other birds; so, when an eagle detect a prey from an height, its focus becomes narrow, then it
soars upward and rapidly descend from the sky to attack.
Similarly you should have a strong vision and then work with focus to achieve your target.

Rise above your problems
Eagles become excited during storms and rain; they spread their giant wings and allow the
storm to lift them above the cloud. When other birds hide in branches of trees, the eagle flies above the cloud. Because of our problems, we feel hopeless and broken but once we understand that no matter how big a problem is, we’re bigger than them, and our ways of approaching the problems change
So, rise above the problem so that they no longer remain a problem.

Find opportunities in problems
Eagles are the only bird that love the storm; of course, a storm is a significant problem for other
birds but eagles find an opportunity of flying high in this problem.
Sometimes we get frustrated with our problems; we try to avoid it and blame God for making us
this unlucky. However we forget that difficulty always come with opportunities for growth.

Move with speed
Eagles can fly at a speed of 129km/h and they are one of the fastest flying birds.
Here, the lesson from the eagle is that, we should stop being lazy and start building speed. Having speed increases your productivity, and you do more things in a short time

Get out of your comfort zone
When it is time for the eaglets to learn how to fly, the mother eagle tows them out of the nest.
Out of fear, eaglets try to jump back into the nest, then the mother eagle remove the comfort layer of the nest, leaving behind the thorns.
Eaglets’ shrieking and bleeding are thrown repeatedly until the eaglets ultimately start flapping
their wings getting stronger and stronger with each flap and ultimately start flying.
Hence, if you want to achieve something worthwhile, if you’re going to fly high, you must be ready
for the discomfort

Leave the past, Live in the moment
Eagles feed on live food, they never eat dead animals.
Here, the lesson is; often, people regret the past forgetting that they have no control over what
has already happened. You must try to make the best out of this moment because this moment is all you have.

Fly high
Eagles are one of the highest flying birds which can fly in an altitude of 10,000 feet.
We can apply this lesson from the eagle in our life too. We should focus on flying on higher altitudes so that we don’t get affected by the negatives of those below

Be Courageous
Eagles attack their preys no matter how big or daunting they may be; they fight with it and defeat it,
with all their strength, even if they fail, they never stop trying.
In life, we also face obstacles that seem bigger, but no matter how dangerous it might seem, we
must attack it and try to defeat it with all our strength
Success or failure doesn’t matter, what matters is the effort we’re putting.

Embrace the pain.

When eagles reach the age of 40, they turn weak, and survival becomes difficult.
To regain strength, they have to go through a painful process of rebirth.
For that, they retire to a lonely place where they plucked out every feather on their body until
they are completely bare. They also knock their beak against a rock, so, a new one develops.
This rebirth extends their life for 30 more years.
Important lesson from the eagle is this; No pain, no gain.
If you want to achieve something great, if you’re going to change your habits, you have to go
through pain and discomforts.


There are great things to learn from the eagle

  1. Have a strong vision, move with speed, be in the present.
  2. Rise above your problems, find opportunities in the problems and get out of your comfort zones.
  3. Fly high, be courageous and embrace the pain.
  4. Whenever you face challenges in life and feel like giving up, remember the Eagle.