… by Ruth Aluko

Joy stared at her quietly for a while. In her mind, she mocked Sarah for being naive. Emerald was definitely just playing with her. Her mind relaxed at the thought of that.

Coughing, Joy asked, “So are you not interested in him?”

Sarah sighed and replied, “I like him. He is gentle with me and takes care of me, but I don’t think I am ready to have sex with him yet.”

Joy smirked, “You haven’t done it, but I can tell you, sex is nice.”

Sarah flushed but inquired, “Really? But shouldn’t sex be between people who are married?”

Joy couldn’t help herself, she burst into raucous laughter. The other roommates stared at them curiously. Sarah pinched Joy’s thigh in embarrassment.

“What’s going on with you two?” Funmi, another roommate from the east wing of the room asked.

“Don’t mind us,” Joy said, her eyes wet with laughter.

Sarah, nervous, shook in embarrassment. “Joy…”

The other roommates shook their heads at them and everyone faced their own business.

“Joy,” Sarah called her once more, a little angry.

“I’m sorry,” Joy apologised and stopped laughing, “I’ll be quiet.”

This young girl really needs to learn. Maybe I should help Emerald out, if not his moves on this girl will be useless. Anyway, she is an easy prey, Joy thought to herself with a smile.

Joy held Sarah’s hand and asked, “Do you like Emerald?”

Sarah nodded. “I do.”

“Then don’t worry about anything else. Emerald likes you too, so having sex with him will be okay. You’ll regret it instead, when you have sex with someone you don’t like.”

“But…” Sarah started.

Joy interjected, “No buts. Give in to this guy, Sarah. You know you want to. Don’t unnecessarily confuse yourself.”

Sarah inhaled deeply. Joy was right. She shouldn’t confuse herself unnecessarily. Anyway, what’s the big deal about sex itself, or what are the dangers if she actually does it? Isn’t it just her body, and her body belongs to her, so she can do with it however she likes?

“You’re right, Joy. I won’t confuse myself because I like Emerald and Emerald likes me,” Sarah said, looking determined.

Joy nodded, but in her mind, she mocked her. What a foolish girl! These SU (Scripture Union) girls are naive.

“So what will you do now?” Joy asked.

“I’ll message Emerald that I’ll come to his place next weekend,” Sarah replied.

Joy rolled her eyes. “That’ll be too late. Why don’t you go today? It’s Friday evening already, so you can spend the weekend there.”

Sarah frowned. “Isn’t that too quick? I need to prepare myself properly.”

“I’ll help you out. What am I here for?”

Sarah smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Joy. You’re a good friend.”

Joy smiled. “Go and clean yourself up. I’ll bring out a sexy dress for you to wear and other things you’ll need.”

Sarah nodded and listened to her. She took her soap, towel, and bucket and rushed to the bathroom. After she left, Joy laughed silently, then she picked up her phone and messaged Emerald.

Watch out for next episode on Saturday, 29 April at 3pm