…by George Precious

Given the deep spiritual, physical and emotional impact sex has, it is necessary that you take time to think about it before engaging in it.

God created sex!

God created marriage!

Marriage is divine!

Sex is sacred!

… now, what Is Sex?

Sex is derived from the word “Sexus” which means “take part of.” When you have sex with a person, you absorb some part of that person. Now, when you do this out of marital union, then, you are taking something that is forbidden. You don’t have to engage in premarital sex to prove your love to someone.  True love will wait! True love won’t subject its partner to the consequences premarital sex brings.

Some people ask if the Bible really prohibit sex outside marriage. Let’s see what God says about premarital sex.

1. Matthew 1:18-19 – This talks about the chastity of Joseph and Mary.

2. Hebrews 13:4 – This considers sex outside of marriage to be immoral.

3. Galatians 5:19-21 – This says sex before marriage is wrong and sinful.

4. 1 Thessalonians 4:3 – This says you should abstain from fornication. Your virginity is priceless and dignifying. You should keep yourself undefiled before marriage.

5. 1 Corinthians 6:18 – This admonishes you to flee immorality when tempted.

6. 1 Corinthians 9:27 – Says to put your body under subjection.

7. Romans 6:12 – Says “do not let sin rule your mortal bodies.”

Benefits of Waiting Until Marriage.

By research, people who wait till they are married before they have sex stand a lower risk of divorcing later. Laying a wrong foundation for your marriage through the avenue of sex leaves a wrong idea about the institution of marriage. Sex cannot build a marriage, as it is not the primary purpose of marriage. Even though 1Cor 7:2 has advised each man or woman to have his/her spouse to avoid sexual immorality, it does not mean that marriage is all about sex.

Abstinence between partners in courtship can protect both partners from grave consequences such as regret, heartbreak, bitter emotions, negative sentiment, e.t.c.,.  If you wait till you are married before having sex, your partner will trust you more and believe in you. It also increases the chance of you marrying the right partner and building a positive foundation for your marriage.

Premarital sex defeats the purpose of courtship. Infact, your generations will call you blessed for not making a grievous mistake. Those who wait have the tendency to succeed in marriage more than those who have a casual view of sex.

Saving sex for marriage protects your heart and save your body from Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), birth control, deadly diseases and abortion. It also prevents single parenting.

It is both wise and God-fearing to wait. Waiting for marriage before sex builds a close bond between husband and wife without any  fuzz from the past that can stand as an hindrance.

Consequences Of Premarital Sex

1. Premarital sex is a killer! Believe it or not, there’s no other way around it.

2. You end up losing your destiny. Premarital sex is not worth losing your destiny for.

3. Premarital sex brings strange sickness, long-term pains, grief, unnecessary worry and anxiety. you begin to operate under closed heaven, confusion, barrenness and damaged self-esteem. Its leads to the conception of illegitimate children (I bet you don’t want to trade your future and that of your generation with the BED OF FORNICATION).

4. It prevents you from not benefitting from the promises of the comforter. You need the comforter to survive in this perversed world. But if you have been defiled, it will be so hard for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you.

5. Premarital sex deteriorate one’s mind and personality emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

6. Premarital sex leads to negative thoughts.  This would really affect your mental and psychological health by causing depression, fear, pessimism, guilt, worry and anxiety.

7. Premarital sex leads to dashed hopes between husband and wife.  

 Sex is so sacred for you to just “go with the flow.”  You need to think about it and consider the consequences before going into it. Be your own person! Society does not have to influence your decision.