By: Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji

Venue: UNILAG Multipurpose Hall

Date: Sunday, January 21st, 2024

Text: Revelation 3:7

And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth

Revelation 3:7

Not all open doors are good doors

God is the custodian of keys that are required to reach the level that you desire.

When your time comes, nobody can stop it.

Everywhere is abroad for those who have a broad mind.

Kings don’t eat on the road, nor do they wash plates.

When we talk of “gates of nations open unto me”, several questions have to be answered

1. Is God leading you there?

2. What does God want you to do?

3. Where is God leading me to?


1. Yoke of delay over my life; break in the name of Jesus.

2. In the name of Jesus, I will reject local glory and village glory.

3. My glory (3x), awaken, arise and shine

4. Powers that are pressing down my head—you’re a liar; die in the name of Jesus.

5. My original head will be restored by fire

6. Mark of rejection or delay on my forehead in the name of Jesus

7. My head, receive complete deliverance now in the name of Jesus.

8. Gates of nations, open unto me in the name of Jesus.

9. The gates of nations (insert choice of desired countries) open unto me in the name of Jesus.

10. By the key of David, I gain access to (choice of desired countries) in the name of Jesus.