By: Dr. D. K. Olukoya

Venue: UNILAG Multipurpose Hall

Date: Sunday, January 28th, 2024

Text: Gen 49:2-4; 1 Cor 6:15-20

Gather yourselves together, and hear, ye sons of Jacob; And hearken unto Israel your father. Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, The excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; Because thou wentest up to thy father’s bed; Then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch

Genesis 49:2-4 KJV
There are two muscles in the body of a man that have destroyed so many men:

1. Tongue

2. Penis

1. Tongue

There is one muscle and one hole in the body of a woman that have destroyed so many women.

2. Vagina

Access to your body is a sacred thing.

Unto every womb, there is a gateman from Heaven.

– There is one thing you cannot call the devil; you cannot call him a fool. He is intelligent at what he does.

– It is not a sin for your penis to have an erection, but it is a sin to follow the direction of your sin.

– Women, If there is any gate you need to guard jealously, it is the gate of your womb. You form a covenant with whoever dis-virgins you.

– There is no casual sex. Sexual sins are generational.

– Anybody you sleep with, you acquire the demons of your sexual partner.

– It is easier to deliver a witch than a fornicator.

– When God judges, He judges your motive/heart.

– Fornication/adultery originates from the heart.

Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.“

Isaiah 5:14 KJV

– Of all the drives that God created that push men forward, the sexual drive is the strongest.

– Your present-day backwardness can be linked to one careless sex you had in the past.

– When you sleep with someone, you become one. Two become one.

– Of all sins that you commit in life, sexual sins involve your body, the temple of God.

– Sexual sins emanate from the heart.

– Sexual sins have no benefit at all. You stand to lose your life

– It is a slave driver; it keeps you longer than you want to stay.

– The father of all sins is the devil and the mother of all sins is lust

Consequences of sexual sin

1. Feeling of guilt

2. Self-condemnation

3. A divided mind

4. Anxiety

5. Damaged self-esteem

6. Hypocrisy

7. Emptiness

8. Disappointment

9. Anger

10. Depression

11. Dishonesty

12. Doubt

13. Wasted time

14. Diminished effectiveness

15. Fear

16. Disobedience to God

17. Regret

18. Loss

19. Abortion

20. Frustration

21. Damaged fellowship with God

22. Crying

23. Divine punishment

24. Sexually Transmitted Disease

25. Damaged to our testimony

26. Damage to our ministry

27. Damage to Your Future

28. Damage to Usefulness to God

29. Fragmentation of soul

30. Defilement

31. Reprobate mind; doesn’t bother again

32. Be delivered to satab

33. Sinning against your own body

34. Wrath of God

35. Laying a very bad foundation

36. Breeding bastards

37. Evil blood covenant

38. Demonization

39. Internal bondages and yokes would be strengthened.

40. Destiny diversion

41. Pollution of the church: it reduces the flow of God’s power.

42. You make satan happy

43. Unwanted pregnancy

44. Damage to the womb or reproductive organ

45. Barrenness

46. Untimely death

47. Murder

48. Wrong marriage

49. Troubled marriage

50. Physical and spiritual death

Categories of sexual slavery

1. Sexual purity: very few. This is where God wants us to be.

2. Sexually polluted

3. Lost virtues

4. A future time bomb

5. Chronic sexual deliverance cases

6. High-mileage pollution

7. Sex in the heart

8. X-ray spirit

9. Shaving Samson—lost calling on the lap of Delilah

10. Altar prisoners

11. Evil negative charge: people just want sex from you

12. Self-sex: masturbation

13. Lost Glory and Destiny Group

14. Demoted prophet with divine judgment hanging on your head

15. Hidden infirmity group

16. Baby polygamist: various girlfriends or boyfriends

17. Generational curse

18. Those who have been catapulted to zero level

19. Catastrophic Children

20. Cursed sexual organ

21. Bewitched womb – sexual act that has now caused gynaecological problems

22. Prostitution

23. Molech organ – organ that will no longer bear children

24. Spiritual sex

25. Violent introduction – dis-virgin by rape

26. Rape

27. Sexual day-dreamers

28. Soul ties

29. Magic / Occultic hold

30. Sexual addiction

31. Fragmented soul

32. Cursed hands

33. Constant wet dreams

34. Sleeping with animals – Bestiality

35. Watching pornography

36. Pornography magazines

37. Reading sexy books

38. Exhibitionism – revealing every part of your body.

39. Lesbianism

40. Homosexualism

41. Oral sex – it is a perversion of divine order

42. Group sex

43. Sex with children. A pedophile

44. Incest – sleeping with your siblings, cousins etc.

45. Fondling and petting

46. Taking drugs to excite you sexually

How to be free?

1. Flee.

2. Burn the bridges.

3. Discipline your body.

4. Be renewed in your mind.

5. Make a covenant with your eyes (Job31:1)

6. Go for deliverance if you need one.

7. Learn the power of prayer and the word of God.

8. Avoid anyone provoking you sexually.

9. Seek your help if the bondage persists.

10. Let God be your obsession