You look all around you
And you see everything that whispers to you
That God has failed you
You’ve tried all you can
Prayed all you can
But it seems like the harder you try
The worse it gets
And now you don’t even bother trying anymore
You are even scared to hope
Because you have been let down so many times
You are just watching and waiting
To see what exactly becomes of your troubles

At that very moment
When you are about to snap
And you know you just can’t take it anymore
One more step and you’ll break
Suddenly, the light comes
Hope sets in
Strength flows through you
Finally, you get that breakthrough
Your dreams come true
You’ve reached your safe harbour
Now you can find rest and peace from all your struggles
You know it was not because of how much you prayed
Or how much good you have done
Nor was it because you were the toughest
Or the best Christian
But on eagle’s wings grace carried you
Mercy stepped in
And you know you couldn’t have made it on your own

Favour that cancels hard labour
It never leaves you the same way it met you
It doesn’t give you what you deserve
Who are you to even deserve anything anyway?
It gives you what you do not deserve
That’s why you made it through
And that’s why it is called FAVOUR
So when next you go to the Father in prayer
Remember not to remind Him of how good you are
But be sure to tell Him how good He is
And how abundant His mercies are to those who trust Him
And hear Him whisper to you
Just how precious you are to Him
That’s FAVOUR speaking

Ashimole  Victoria Oluchi