Ashimole Oluchi

You’re scared, yes you are
Because you don’t know what lies ahead
You are afraid to reach out
Cos you don’t want to end up hitting the brick wall
Like you always have
But then you’ll never know
If you don’t try one more time
That’s why you are still alive
If there was no more hope
You would have been dead

Your existence is a proof
A reason to keep hoping, to keep trying
At times, all your strength is gone
No one seems to understand you
And you feel all alone
But the Saviour’s love is always there to guide you
And you’ll never know
Unless you reach out
And you’ll find out
That He’s been waiting there all this while for you

So reach out, reach out to all that His love has in store for you
Reach out, knowing He’s got your back
And He won’t let you fall
Reach out, knowing you are more than a conqueror
Through His love
If you are His child, if you belong to Him
He’ll never let you go; no one can pluck you from His hand
Reach out, reach out and be all that He wants you to be
You are unstoppable
Reach out also to all His children around you with His love
And don’t forget also to reach out to those who do not know the love
Of your Saviour