
There are places in the world we cannot take the Gospel to; dangerous places with low level of security. Attempting to preach the gospel in these areas might lead to death and many evangelists have been killed because of this challenge. As instructed in the Bible, the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ must be shared and spread all over the world.

Mark 16:15: And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Nothing must hinder this movement and the power of death and hell cannot stop or contend with it. The invention of the internet, social media and other technologically powerful equipment have given us the special privilege and advantage over these restricted areas the gospel cannot reach. The process of taking the gospel to a restricted environment and the act of spreading the good news through electronic devices and technological means is called “Digital Evangelism”.

The person involved in digital evangelism is called a “Digital Evangelist, a Digital Pastor or an Online Missionary”. Every Christian must be an online evangelist because the gospel mandate was given to everyone in Christ who is genuinely born again.

Deep technological knowledge is not needed. If you can post, type a message or post a picture on any social media platform, then you are qualified to be a digital evangelist.

A digital evangelist must have good reading skills; he or she must be a reader. He must be born again and spirit-filled. He must be current with the latest trending topics on the internet.

Good relationship skills with friends and families online are important; as you cannot preach with bad reputations and wrong self-image on social media. The decency of a digital evangelist will make those following online to believe in the message he shares daily. A good digital evangelist must cultivate good self image both online and offline.

You can start evangelising digitally on your facebook timeline, opening a blog, a website, a facebook page, on whatsapp, twitter, instagram and other social platforms on the internet. You must be ready to give answers to questions prepared by your reader.

The Billy Graham Evangelism Association’s Internet Evangelism Ministry hit a milestone of 4 million people indicating a decision for Christ.

With the help of online evangelism we can translate our messages through Google translate and reach out to people in France, China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Spain, India and other non-English speaking countries by translating our gospel messages from English to the language of their choice.

Digital evangelists should be encouraged by all means necessary. The gospel must keep spreading, keep touching souls far and wide and the internet is an effective means of propagation. All Christians online must take up digital evangelism as a new daily habit to populate the Kingdom of God and to destroy the works of the devil.

So let’s start sharing Jesus!

#techdisciples #DigitalEvangelism #CapacityBuilding

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