
This is the concluding part of the interview with Pastor Gabriel Okwuofu, the Head Pastor of the I.T Unit at the MFM Headquarters Youth Church.

Previously  ⇒  God is doing beautiful things … – Pastor Gabriel Okwuofu

I know you have a lot of experiences in the Youth Church, and personal experiences too. Can you share some with us?

The Youth Church for me is a beautiful thing. I have also had personal experiences. A number of times, people have asked why I am still in the Youth Church since I’m married. But the Youth Church is not a singles church or a teenage church. It is a Youth Church and I am still a young person. I did not come here to look for a wife and go. The Youth Church is a place of service and calling for me and as such I see the church as a part of my life. The church has been a foundation and a home of transformation in the life of many young people.

Are you a Full-time Pastor in the Youth Church?

I am not

So how are you able to combine the ministry with your job?

I work full time, regular 8am to 5pm job. At every stage of your life, you need to be diligent enough and open to God; to have Him guide you because your life is in preparation for something tomorrow. At every stage of my life, I have seen everything I am going through as something God has been preparing me for. Even as a student, I was the leader of the fellowship in my secondary school. I remember the testimony someone shared when I was in SSS3, about when I was made the leader of the fellowship at Kings College, Lagos.  He mentioned that one of the reasons he joined the prayer group was the fact that I was still an exceptional student in class despite combining my fellowship activities with academics. I was usually among those who took first position in class. I have always been in situations where God has helped me combine academics through secondary school and university with service in those capacities.

Even at some point, I had to combine work with raising a family. It has been a foundation of knowing that my life is centered on God and I can actually commit my life to Him. God is able to help me manage time too. There are certain times I tried going the extra mile in doing things related to work. I do not have all of the time, but God has been able to help me balance it. I remember I had to be at work yesterday (Saturday) and I had a church-related activity the same day. Eventually, I did not go on time and my boss was waiting to see if I would meet up. In all, God has been able to help me manage it.


Pastor Gabriel Okwuofu is the Head Pastor of the I.T Unit at the MFM Headquarters Youth Church in Lagos, Nigeria

Where do you see the Youth Church in the next five years?

The Youth church is ten years. I believe there is still more to come. God has guided the church so far. One of the interesting things is the fact that a lot of people who pass through the church are going through a transitional stage of their life. After they move on, there are some members who decide to stay back. We typically have that fraction of church members who are just passing by. In terms of population, there is growth. I see youth church growing. I see a lot of order and organisation coming to play which will also facilitate more growth. A church with more matured adults and not just mostly students. I pray God moves the youth church to a largely working class adult population that is controlling various spheres of life.

What is your goodwill message?

Happy ten years anniversary! I am happy to be a part of it. It has been a large part of my developmental story. To everyone who is part of this commission, my words to them are to endeavour to see what God is doing in our midst and to be part of it. It is going to be a good part of their lifelong story. You might not have been here all along but for the period while you will be here, ensure you open up and give yourself to God knowing that there is a whole lot in store. He is using this to build you unto greatness.