Mary Akinsanmi 

This topic created a debate on social media and a lot of people have different views about it. While some are elated, others are unhappy about it. Let’s look at it from the biblical perspective.

Genesis 2 vs. 18:  It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

Vs. 22: “And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman…”  

From this passage God wanted man to have a companion, he formed beasts, fowls and every other creature but man found not a companion in them, until God gave him a woman. The devil has penetrated the hearts of many such that they deviate from God’s divine reason for sex. The human seeks sex for pleasure without understanding that sex affects his mind. All sexual anomalies devised by human debauchery such as homosexuality and necrophilia lack the power to give life and therefore lack divine blessing and cover. 

Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed due to acts of sexual debauchery such as homosexuality. Let us not destroy our spiritual and emotional relationships by satiating our pleasure with absurd ideas because the only source of long lasting pleasure is God’s design. No humanly created object can substitute God’s design because emotionally, spiritually, genetically and physically, the divine man-woman design is irreplaceable. 

When we understand this reality, we will advance towards the sexual fullness that God has for us.