Pastor Remi Adeyemi

Date: Sunday, 15th April 2018

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Programme: 10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service

Previously ⇒ Evidence of His Glory – Part 1

Listen Beloved, for the divine glory that you and I carry to manifest, there are three primary giants that we must confront. They could come in any fashion, and in no particular order, namely:

1. Goliath (1 Sam. 17): Your Goliath might be powers of your father’s house, witches in your village, foundational powers and witches in your household. Anybody that would manifest glory would have to confront their Goliath.

Right from the day that Samuel anointed David, God’s Spirit came upon him (1 Sam 16:13). However, it wasn’t until David confronted Goliath that his glory began to speak and the women sang, “Saul hath slain his thousands and David his ten thousands” (1 Sam. 18:7-8). As a matter of fact, that signaled the beginning of his troubles.

I do not care about problems as long as it is glory that is bringing them. If you want to manifest your glory, be ready; because there’ll be problems, oppositions. You have to confront these powers, stop running from them. Listen, don’t say God in His mercy would help me evade it. That’s not the reality. Hear this, mercy can only help you defeat them (these giants) on time but it doesn’t exclude you from facing them because even Jesus the embodiment of grace was not excluded (Lk. 4:1-13). Mercy does not mean that you won’t fight battles. What mercy does is to ensure that you’ll win, maybe without much strength.

2. Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 3): This giant represents the true test of your faith and trust in God. I see people who want to manifest glory but they haven’t been tested to know the level of their faith and trust in God. Anybody can praise the Lord when everything is going on fine. A lot of people want to manifest divine glory without confronting Nebuchadnezzar. Listen Beloved, your faith, your trust in God will be tested.


Many of us want to go from the zero level to the hero level in the shortest amount of time. Well, it is possible that a person can go from a zero level to an exceeding abundant level. It is true. But this is certainly not the way the Lord works. This is not the usual way that God works. It is the unusual way. He takes you through levels because this is the way to develop grace to manage the demands of elevated positions. He that is faithful over a few… (Matt. 25:21).

3. Potiphar’s wife (Gen. 29): I’d tell you what Potiphar’s wife means. To Joseph, Potiphar’s wife meant a test of self-discipline as it relates to sex. For some people, this may not be your Potiphar’s wife. This giant represents the test of your level of self-discipline and level of faithfulness.

I do not know how faithful you’ll be in those days when you receive your salary and your income after deductions wouldn’t even sustain you for a week and you know, that it is incumbent on you to pay your tithe. I hope you do not sidestep God’s law. This may just be your Potiphar’s wife.

I am moved to say this, unless we are talking about grace (i.e. grace in advance). You cannot say you cannot do something until you find yourself in that shoe. You haven’t been made a cashier and you say that you cannot steal. Who says? Who says? This may just be your Potiphar’s wife.


You’ve got money that doesn’t belong to you in your custody and you are being tormented by serious hunger. Listen Brother, this is the point where your glory should begin to ooze. It could perhaps be a test. If you fail this test, you have to reseat. This is the reason some people can’t move beyond a particular level because they keep failing the same test.

Can I pray for somebody; the grace to be able to confront your giants and subdue them, according to your faith and amen, receive that grace in the name of Jesus!

So, you are under-utilising grace if all you are doing is to receive grace for a moment. Come on! Receive grace for the future. Because you may find yourself in a situation in the future that really needs a lot of grace to cope especially when you are facing Potiphar’s wife. What Potiphar’s wife represents is this – the same test confronts you every day.

I don’t know what your Potiphar’s wife may represent but if as a slave boy, you cannot control your pendulum, then you cannot control it as a king. Some people may say God; if you bless me, I’d do and do and do … it is a lie. You’ve got to start now.

Sir, if as an earner of twenty-thousand naira salary, you cannot pay your tithe of two thousand naira; then, when you start earning twenty million naira, you still wouldn’t pay your tithe. Haven’t you heard that demand will always rise to meet supply (Parkinson’s Law); and Solomon in Eccl. 5:11a had this to say:

 “When goods increase, they are increased that eat them…”

You’ll almost be under enormous attack from the powers of your Father’s house not to up your standard of living when things start to change for the better. Because things will change!

Let me round off by saying this. One thing I’ve found out about glory is this: your living, and your sustenance is packaged into your glory. Once God’s glory begins to shine through you, you’ll have a life, and you’ll be able to make a living.

Sir, the reason you still borrow, the reason things aren’t sufficient is because you aren’t manifesting your glory. By the time your glory starts glowing, it will naturally meet all your needs (Lev. 26:5).

If actually you allow the level of divine glory deposited in your life to speak the way it ought to speak, then that is your sustenance. It would just make you what you ought to be.


I might not be theologically right, but it’s my belief that everybody needs some level of minimum comfort to serve the Lord. Take as an example, you couldn’t pay your children’s school fees. You jumped out through the window the last time the Landlord came, and you’re barely able to string breakfast and lunch together for your kids; not to even mention three meals a day.

Do you think when the church now says members should come for services that you’d be able to go? Even if you want to, do you have the fare to transport yourself there? I believe that everybody needs some level of minimum comfort; I’m not saying great changes – just minimum comfort. After all, the Bible says the Lord shall supply all your needs… (Phil 4:19). True, Lazarus did get to Heaven but I do not know how many Lazarus in this generation will get to Heaven.  It is better imagined.

I pray for you that God will take you to a comfortable level and as he desires, He’ll take you beyond that level of comfort. He said to Abraham, “I will bless you and make your name great and thou shalt be a blessing.”

I say to you, you will be a blessing to your generation.