Pastor (Mrs.) Shade Olukoya

Mummy G.O – MFM Worldwide

Date: Sunday, 19th of August 2018.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church.

Programme: Annual Daughters of Zion Conference 2018.

Text: John 16:7-11; Matt 28:20; Eph. 5:18; Acts 16:16; Act19:17; Luke 16:19; Ps. 81:26; Matt.7:8.

I bring greetings to you in the name of the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, our God and Saviour, our Master and our King who has made this day to come to pass. Before I proceed, I want to appreciate my friend, my brother, my pastor and my mentor, my husband; the General Overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, a humble servant of God in the person of Dr. Daniel Kolawole Olukoya. He has asked me to greet you and to pass his message unto you that the God whom you seek on this mountain, the God whose power knows no geographical barrier, the God who doeth hard things will visit you at the point of your needs and grant you testimonies that the enemies cannot stop in the name of Jesus! God bless you all, Hallelujah!

Brethren, I want you to stretch one hand to the heavenlies and make this great pronouncement that will scatter the host of darkness; that will turn the tables of the wicked upside down and that will send terror to the camp of the wicked:

Every conspiracy in the heavenlies against my destiny scatter! Language of the wicked, unity of darkness against my rising and shining scatter in the name of Jesus! Table of wicked judges against my destiny, turn upside down and be burnt to ashes in the name of Jesus!

God will bless us all in Jesus name. We want to bless the Lord for what He has started and for where He is taking us. A recap from yesterday’s message titled, “The usable materials for God.” We read from the book of Joel 2:28. So there are usable materials and there are non-usable, useless materials. We read also from the book of Joel 2:29-32 where the promise of the Father was foretold by Prophet Joel and confirmed when the apostles gathered in the Upper Room. According to the instruction given to them by the Lord Jesus Christ after His resurrection and before His ascension when He instructed them to tarry in Jerusalem. They should wait to be endued with power, to be covered, to be clothed, to be equipped with power for the service before them and we went on to let us know that God is interested in us, His people. He made us for a purpose and He wants us to be filled with His power. That is why He pours out His Spirit upon all flesh, regardless of culture, colour, race and gender. We went on to talk about catching the flow and being connected to the promise of the Father which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

We mentioned things that people do that can hinder the Holy Spirit coming upon their lives. We talked briefly about what the Holy Spirit can do. He preserves the saints, He equips the saints. The fire of Holy Spirit purifies and He purges. What hinders the power of the Holy Ghost is living a sinful life and changing our identity spiritually and physically. We mentioned what people do to their body that positions them as rebellious people before God simply by telling God what He has given them is not good enough; and how sin also changes the personality of people spiritually.

We made mention of Adam and Eve in the garden when they dined with the devil against God’s instruction. The devil changed them, he removed the garment of glory from them and they became naked. He changed their identity so much that God Almighty started looking around for them, “Adam where art thou?” People may decide to stay out of power and they will be dealt with by the powers of darkness in our world. People may decide to stay in power and the power of the Holy Ghost and they will be able to address, confront and conquer the powers of darkness. We made us to understand also that God want us to be bold as lions, to be spirit-filled and He wants mission mandated people who will be led by His Spirit.

Romans 8 vs. 14: “for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”

God wants soldiers who are battle ready; He wants result-oriented prayer warriors. He wants fire brand believers who will be able to take the risk for a positive change even in the midst of difficult and delicate circumstances. God wants us to be positioned for power for Him to fill us and use us.

So we are going on to second part of the message which is what we have before us as titled “The Power of Ignitable Christians.” God gave many gifts to mankind: the gift of life, the air we breathe in, all of His creation, gift of salvation, the gift to dominate and supervise the entire creation. Of all this wonderful gifts given to us by God there is none greater than the presence of the Holy Spirit which is His own Spirit. The Holy Spirit has many functions to perform in our lives and many activities to carry out in the world. Also, before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit is the promise of the Father just as we read from the book of Joel 2:28. It says:

“And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dreams, your young men shall see visions.”


God has promised it is an open invitation; so we have the Holy Spirit ready but unfortunately the receivers are the problem. The problem in the sense that some of us fail to understand and to even find out what the office of the Holy Spirit is and how important it is to the Body of Christ. Like I said, it has many functions. The Holy Spirit has many things to do for us; the Holy Spirit has an errand to run for us. He is the Comforter, He is the Teacher, the Helper, Preserver, Purger, the Spirit of burning, Hallelujah!

Jesus told the disciples that He would send the Spirit into the world to convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment. According to John 16:7-11:

vs 7 “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come into you…”

That was Jesus making His parting speech on His way out. Then He gave a promise that He will not leave us without the Comforter. The Comforter there is the Holy Spirit. Jesus said the Comforter will come when He departs. John 16:7-11 continues:

vs 7 “… but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.

vs 8 “And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement:”

vs 9 “Of sin, because they believe not on me;

vs 10 “Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;”

vs 11 “Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.”

Jesus made His parting speech and introduced to us again, the third part of the God-head, the third part of the Holy Trinity; that he would come and be our Comforter. God the Father did His part in John 3:16:

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son…”

Jesus Christ Himself came and said He would send the Comforter. The Comforter is the Spirit of truth and power. The Holy Spirit is God’s intelligence agent going around the world today, revealing secrets to us, speaking ahead for us, and doing many things for us.

So I am going to take us through the benefits of the Holy Spirit for us to know how important the Holy Spirit is in the journey of our lives:

1. God has provided it. He says, “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh.” So the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God that He promised to share with us just as said. He was foretold by the prophet of old and He was also confirmed with what we saw happening to the disciples in the Upper Room. They were all gathered there and the Holy Spirit came upon them. The book of Acts 2:17 describes to us how the Holy Spirit came and landed upon the heads of the disciples. It tells us who the Holy Spirit is for, which is for us. It describes for us what the Holy Spirit will do for us; we will see visions, we will prophesy, we will dream dreams. All of these in a sense can be described as an information gadget for us. In visions or in dreams you see things and these are information of things that had happened in the past or things that are happening now or things that will happen later on. So the Holy Spirit gives us information by opening our spiritual eyes.

2. Jesus Himself received the Holy Spirit at the baptism when He baptised with water. The Holy dove came upon Him and in the same way; He has sent the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter. So the Holy Spirit is a Comforter, our succor, our greatest confidant.

3. Jesus commanded His disciples not to proceed without receiving the power of the Holy Spirit. He said, “Tarry ye in Jerusalem.” So, they all went to the Upper Room. He says, “Till thou be endued with power.” So they were to wait to receive the Holy Spirit and power from on high. It was important for the disciples to receive the Holy Spirit so that they could operate supernaturally. Their master Jesus Christ had been crucified; they were left without a master. They had to face a cruel and a hard world out there without a master, so he knew what would happen. He says, “Tarry ye.” Wait, be clothed with power before you go out there to operate. We benefit from the Holy Spirit by being able to move in the supernatural and do supernatural things in our service for God.

4. All the disciples of Jesus Christ received it because they waited for it; they longed for it, even the mother of Jesus Christ and all the people around there with them. To confirm what the Lord said that, “He would pour it in all flesh,” those that waited for this outpouring of the Holy Spirit and all of the people around them were all baptised. According to Acts 2:3-4:

“And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.”


5. It effected the conversion of three thousand on that very day of Pentecost because all those who were gathered out there heard them speaking in their languages; different languages because of the tongues of fire upon them. The same way today, once we have received the Holy Spirit, we will pray beyond the natural. He changes our language and gives us the language of heaven. We will speak and demons that have been familiar with our language are now confused because they cannot understand. So the Holy Spirit gives the language of heaven to His recipients.

Next ⇒ The Power of Ignitable Christians – Part 2