Pastor (Mrs.) Shade Olukoya

Mummy G.O – MFM Worldwide

Date: Sunday, 19th of August 2018.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church.

Programme: Annual Daughters of Zion Conference 2018.

Text: John 16:7-11; Matt 28:20; Eph. 5:18; Acts 16:16; Act19:17; Luke 16:19; Ps. 81:26; Matt.7:8.

Previously ⇒ The Power of Ignitable Christians – Part 2

So I had no winter coat. The heat of the Holy Spirit is all I depended on. Before we landed, inside the aircraft it was like the devil came to me face to face, “You are not giving up, are you still going? You can see it is so cold inside the aircraft now. You can see everybody reaching for their blankets and covering themselves. You have no blanket, no scarf, no coat.” I shivered a bit and said, “Lord, we will soon land, prove yourself; heat of the Holy Spirit.” Then of course when you pray, you wait. God answers and He has appointed time for everything. Maybe He was even testing me to know if I was able to wait to receive his answer. I looked through the window when the plane landed and saw the residue of the snow that came down overnight. I stepped out of the aircraft anyway.

By the time I got off the aircraft and started walking towards the arrival waiting area, I just felt normal. I forgot about the prayer I prayed and then the devil came again to test me the second time. We got to the door and the pastor who came to receive me; he had one “wicked” winter coat on. So the devil was asking me, “Are you still sure?” Can you see what the people who came to welcome you are putting on? You think you will survive this.”

Those who came to welcome me did not know what I had been going through. They wanted to bring the car close to the entrance for me because they had parked far away and knew I had no coat on. I said, “No, I will follow you, let’s go to where your car is.” And then, I started feeling the heat. Believe me, I did not use any blanket or coat and I was just fine. I got into the car, we got to the church. The pastor and his wife took me to the church office. I sat there waiting to be called in. I noticed the pastor and his wife were restless and could not sit down. They were asking me, “Hope you are fine? How was the flight? It’s not yet time; we will come back and call you.” And they came back again. I was just flipping through my Bible waiting for the moment I would be called in.

It got to my turn and I went in for the ministration. After the ministration, I returned to the pastor’s office. Then the pastor and his wife said to me, “We don’t know how you survived this, we had no other place to put you other than where you were sitting. A few hours before you arrived, the central heating system broke down and the office was very cold. We didn’t know what to say to you; we couldn’t stand it that was why we were going out and coming in asking how you were. We were afraid but we saw you were just busy writing and reading.” I said oh! So you haven’t got any central heating system, I didn’t know, I am just fine. God helped me; I even finished counselling in the same cold office. I later left for the airport to board a flight. I got back to London and I became human; and then I said, so I survived that. Then I started saying, yes I have experienced the heat of the Holy Spirit, it is true. I was happy, I was excited.

That is what He does; He does the supernatural. I wouldn’t have been able to do anything; I would have been useless that day if I was on my own believing in my own flesh. So those are outstanding things that the Holy Spirit can do for us, Amen.

The promise of God is real and when He promised, He meant it. He is looking for as many of His children who will be positioned to be filled with His Spirit. Hallelujah! The Spirit of God is real. Paul and Silas came across a demon-possessed girl in the book of Acts 16:16-18; it was while they were walking through the market place that Paul and Silas encountered the girl who was possessed. She could foretell the future and things would happen; making money for her masters. So this girl identified Paul and Silas. The powers of darkness know who we are; they have weighed some people on their scale. They know how heavy or light they are. They can see from the darkness into the light.

So this demon-possessed girl identified these men of God straightaway. She described Paul as a servant of the Most High God. Of course, in her own understanding, she might have been referring to Zeus, the God of the Philippians. In another sense, she probably discovered that these men of God carried some strange power different from the power she was operating with. So she could not hold her peace, “Servant of the Most High God!” she said.

We were ministering to a demon-possessed a long time ago. We had brethren gathered all around with closed eyes and praying. Then the demon-possessed just shouted, “They are praying, and you are praying.” He pointed to one of the brothers called Shayo who was with us there and said, “Shut up your mouth.” We thought the brother would say, “In the name of Jesus I bind you.” The brother just stepped back.  We did what we could anyway; God took control and we left the place. The demon-possessed identified brother Shayo; he was with us but not one of us.

I prophesy and pray upon your life that your destiny shall not be disgraced by powers of darkness. Any power assigned to push you to error, to disgrace your testimony shall be disgraced in Jesus name!


So the demon-possessed identified the servant of the Most High God. When you come in contact with these powers, what will they call you? So that is part of the work of the Holy Spirit, to purge us inside out, to help us overpower all those powers that are designed to disgrace our destiny. A pastor, a High Priest and well respected servant of God, the Very Reverend Sceva; his sons were disgraced by the powers of darkness in the book of Acts 19:13-16:

“Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the LORD Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.”

They didn’t say, we adjure in the name of Jesus that we preach. Rather, they said in the name that someone else preached.

“And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?”

The demon-possessed who asked that question with his evil spirit leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them (because they had no Holy Spirit). So they fled out of that house naked and wounded. The evil spirit dealt with them both physically and spiritually.

When you become a Christian, two doorways are open to you – the doorway of salvation and the doorway of power. The door to salvation is at feet of the cross when you drop your sins and give your life to Christ. The door to power is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. One may decide to stay with one of the doors, the door of salvation and not pursue after power. You may struggle hard; you may sustain bruises and wounds. You will still get to heaven but you will be like what Derek Prince described as “a trunkless elephant.” You will get to heaven wounded.

It is like what we have in the book of Luke 16:19. Lazarus died a poor wretched beggar; he still made heaven. He didn’t have to be poor, he didn’t have to be wretched, and he didn’t have to go through all those things because that is part of the work Jesus Christ. Jesus became poor so that we will not be poor. This goes beyond just mere physical poverty. It could be poverty in spirit or poverty in acquiring what is your portion. Lazarus represented all of that; he was poor and wretched, he struggled hard. But he didn’t deny God; he got to heaven. However, God wants you to enjoy your life in full and better because he paid for it. So don’t be like that. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to secure our portion for us. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to broaden our knowledge and make us better than all our colleagues. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to make us identify and actualise our God-given potentials.

What to do in order to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit

1. Confess all your sins and repent from them.

2. Ask the Lord to forgive you.

3. Ask for the Blood of Jesus to wash you, cleanse you and make you whole.

4. Ask by faith (Lord Jesus baptise me with your Holy Spirit). Pray this wholeheartedly with all seriousness and with great expectation. He will visit and you will start to enjoy His touch, His power upon your life, Hallelujah!

God likes to refer to what He has done for us, He expects praises and He inhabits our praises. He is always moved to do more when we praise Him. It is only the Holy Spirit that can lead us into God’s presence. In the book of Psalm 81:10:

“I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.”

So ask and you will be filled, Amen! By faith, the Holy Spirit gives you utterance. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you, sometimes you feel different like cold water running through you. Sometimes, some people don’t feel anything but are unable to control their speech. At that moment your human understanding and everything has been taken away and the Spirit of the Lord has taken over. You don’t lose your senses; you are still who you are but He takes over, and all you can remember will be something happened. He starts to change your style of thinking, and so many things will change.

So ask according to Matthew 7:7-8: ask and it shall be given you, seek Him; and ye shall find Him, knock (when you knock, you are praying, knocking on heaven’s door) and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh receiveth and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.
