Sanni Oluwadamilola

I live not my own life but His

Before I was formed, He knew me

He predestined me, He called me by my name

Before I took a breath, He breathed His life in me

I am in Him and He, in me

In Him I live, move and have my being

I live not for myself but for Him

I was created solely to bring pleasure to Him


Mortal being bringing pleasure to an immortal being

I’m an asset to Him

Of course He’d do anything to ensure my safety

He’d tear down any wall, light up any shadow, cut down any line, climb up any mountain

His love for me is overwhelming, beyond understanding, never ending, undeserving

He is the greatest embodiment of sacrifice

Stooping so low, He gave His most valuable possession for the work of His very own hands

His love is rich, pure, measureless, strong, unexplainable, unobtainable!

He stops at nothing

He gave His all for me

For His reckless, undying kindness

What can I give for Him?

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me

The life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God,

Who loved me, and gave himself for me.”