Grace Elioku

They say humans are motivated by two things – the desire to gain pleasure or the need to avoid pain. We tend to experience pain, when we don’t achieve what we planned to achieve. This year 2019 is another year for you to achieve all your dreams, goals and resolutions. But in order to do so, you need to be focused, to keep being motivated, and to keep on standing against all odds. So here are 10 tips that would help you stay motivated and focused throughout 2019.

1. Take a walk

Taking a walk around nature can inspire and get you excited about working on your project when you return. Getting yourself around the peace of nature can help invigorate your mind and your mood.

2. Engage in exercise

Exercising helps to reduce anxiety and depression. It also increases your energy levels and helps keep your blood and bones motivated to perform daily tasks.

3. Visualize your goals

Create a mental picture of what you aim to achieve and believe that these goals are achievable. This practical process keeps you motivated into achieving anything.

4. Set attainable goals

In order to avoid being frustrated, set goals that are easy and attainable. Let your to-do list be doable. This will encourage you to get things done easily. Also consider putting only a few things each day to avoid being discouraged even before you start.

5. Track your progress

By tracking your progress, you take record of every new challenge you may have encountered so far. Take record of any form of improvement noticed, and take record of any further developments that would occur throughout the year so you can properly evaluate the progress made so far. Seeing your progress can be the motivation you need to keep going.

6. Don’t compare yourself with others

It is said that the expert in anything was once a beginner. So no matter how many times you have to fail to succeed, just keep trying. Your goals are yours alone, and only you have the capacity to accomplish them. Don’t bother about any other person around the world that seems to be doing better or faster than you are. Keep yourself happy by being you. Life is not a competition, it about fulfilling our individual destinies.

7. Limit your social media time

Time waits for no man; it would be considerable if you limit time on social media. Admiring other people’s posts, whether friends or family who may be doing better may keep you feeling inferior and depressed. Spend that time admiring your goals and drafting out plans to achieve those goals

8. Reward yourself

It takes consistency, focus and hardwork to achieve any set goal. So take time and celebrate every single progress you make. Take yourself out and celebrate yourself. This keeps you motivated to achieve the next goal. Design a reward system to give yourself a reason to move forward.

9. Don’t give up

Even if you don’t feel motivated anymore, still stick to your plans. If you believe you can, then you are already halfway to success.

10. Ask God for help

You can seek help from reading motivational books, by getting a mentor, a coach, a partner to join you, or from friends and family. But most importantly, pray to God for help and guidance. Also ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration, because he is the greatest motivator.