Pastor Kunle Olaide

Date: Sunday, 19th May 2019.

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Acts 6: 1-6

“And in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplied, there arose a murmuring of the Grecians against the Hebrews, because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration.
Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, it is not reason that we should leave the word of God, and serve tables…”

Our lecture for today would be in line with our teachings and the theme for this month which is The Ministry of the word of God.

As can be observed from the above scripture, it can be seen that as it was with the apostles in those days, so it is today. Granted that those who served tables in the days of the apostles had the Spirit of God, granted also that they were men of honest report. However, the same cannot really be said of those who serve tables today. I recall I once quizzed a brother as to the reason he stopped attending our branch and his reply was unsettling. His response was “I have to go to the headquarters because that’s where I get my contracts”. In so much as that sounds good, our reason for coming to church has to be in line with our prime assignment.

Beloved, to gain or to peril, one is either in the church to serve tables or to be engaged in the ministry of the word. However, it is somewhat lamentable though, that in today’s setting, Christians prefer serving tables (i.e. winning contracts and closing deals) over being engaged in the ministry of the word (learning at the master’s feet) – which is our primary assignment.

Signs indicative of this claim of mine are the following:
1. Scanty Sunday schools. Unfortunately, Christians today selectively choose not to attend Sunday schools.
2. Sparsely populated bible study.
3. Unscriptural prayer points.

I could recall sometimes ago when I visited the hospital as I battled insomnia. The doctor on duty (who from all indications appeared to be a Christian) having heard my ordeal, prescriptively suggested I read the bible as if to say that bible-reading was an effective sleeping pill. This is so unbecoming of us as Christians!

In lieu of these shortcomings, let us now consider a study that could guide us on our walk towards learning at the master’s feet – The anatomy of the ministry of the word.

What is the ministry of the word?

1. Ministry means service to God and to the people in the name of God.

2. It is the whole chain of taking in the word of God, processing it, teaching it, using it to improve ourselves, and spreading it for the Kingdom’s sake.

What then is the anatomy of the word of God?
1. The Ministry of study: This includes all efforts directed towards reading, understanding and memorizing (2 Tim 2:15). Hear me friend, the quality of our prayers increases when we know.

2. The Ministry of Prayer: Prayer and knowledge both complement each other. Both are Siamese twins joined at the heart.

3. The Ministry of Dedication and loneliness: When you are in pursuit of deep insight, you have to imbibe a practice of separating yourself unto God. Loneliness (Solitude) helps us reflect on the words revealed to us by God. Listen friend, one will never have access to divine secrets if they are a crowd person. To stand out, sometimes stand alone.

4. The Ministry of Faith: If you are to read the word and see it effect itself in your circumstances, then you need to believe it. Faith is the ability to count your chickens before your eggs hatch. Brethren, live by faith.

5. The Ministry of Discipleship and Mentorship: Every worthwhile success has its roots in discipleship and mentorship. Learn from the mistakes of others, that is what makes you wise. Serve and follow your mentors.

Prayer Points:
1. O God arise, wherever my net is burn it up in the name of Jesus.