Ministering: Pastor Samuel Yilu

Date: Sunday, 1st December, 2019

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: 2 kings 25:27-30; 1 Sam 2:30

vs 27: And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, that Evilmerodach king of Babylon in the year that he began to reign did lift up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah out of prison;

vs 28: And he spake kindly to him, and set his throne above the throne of the kings that were with him in Babylon;

vs 29: And changed his prison garments: and he did eat bread continually before him all the days of his life.

vs 30: And his allowance was a continual allowance given him of the king, a daily rate for every day, all the days of his life.

On 27th of December, this king was in prison for 37 years. 4 days before the year came to an end, he didn’t know that the evil Merodach would be the one to take him out of prison.

We rarely hear the word honour these days. The Bible commands us to honour some people

1. God Rev 4:1 – 11

2. Our father and mother

3. The elderly

4. The rulers of our country and nations

5. Church leaders 1 Tim 5:17

6. Those who serve Christ Phil 2:29

7. Husband and wives honour one another Heb 13:4; Eph 5:22 – 23

8. Everybody 1 pet 2:17

What is Honour?

The word honour is always used to describe men and women of integrity & high moral achievement.

To be Honourable means;

Loyal, faithful, dutiful, respectful, selfless, honest, courageous and diligent.

We demonstrate honour by doing what is morally upright at all times even when no one is watching.

You can’t be upright with the lord without honour. It reproduces and confirms the image of God.

Major benefits of Honour

• Produces faith. Mark 6:1-6 Only two passages in the bible where God was surprised Matt 8:7

• Produces blessings Eph 6: 1 -6

• Releases divine wisdom and divine favor Luke 2:41 -52. Jesus increased in wisdom and favor because he honored his parents.

• When you honour God, he will honour you

• He will reward you in a special way. David honoured God, Solomon honoured God and God made him wealthy, The shunammite woman honoured the man of God and was blessed her with a son, Mordecai honoured God and God humiliated his enemy. When you honour God by helping the poor, God will repay you and give you treasures on earth and in heaven. He made an everlasting covenant with Phinehas. Num 25: 1 – 18

Why do you Honour God?

1. He is your father. Always address God in an intimate manner. You will become conscious that you have a great father better than your earthly father when you do. Your earthly father may have abandoned you but God will never abandon you, he might die but God will never die, He might be absent but God is present everywhere, your earthly father might be limited but God has limitless resources to provide for you.

2. God gave us an everlasting life that transformed us from the kingdom of darkness to light through his dear son. Col 1:13

3. We are created to honour God. Rev 4:11

4. He loved us so much that he sent his begotten son to die while we were yet in sin. Eph 2:1-6

5. He never leaves us nor forsakes us.

6. He forgives us all our sins and washes them away in his precious blood.

7. He chastises us when we go wrong.

8. He reveals himself to us in his word.

9. He is always available whenever we call.

10. He loves us equally in the same way he loves Jesus. John 17:23

11. He took us out of poverty, sin, sickness, death and hell. He became poor so we will be rich 2 cor 8:9

12. He became sin for us 2 cor 5:21

13. He provided a divine medication for all our sickness and diseases Is 15:5

14. He destroyed the power of death and hell over you Rev 1:18

In conclusion,

How can we Honour him?

1. By accepting Jesus into our lives and proclaiming him as lord and saviour

2. When we honour our fathers and mothers

3. With our wealth, first fruit of our crops Prov 3:9

4. With your body 1 cor 6:19 – 20

5. With your time. Your time is your life.

6. With your talent. Ability to sing, run, playing instruments

7. Becoming zealous for him Num 25:11 ;John 2:13-17