Ministering: Pst Kunle Olaide

A kingdom consists of a king, a domain and a dominion.

Service is whatsoever that is done to make a system function as designed.

Kingdom service is whatsoever is done by a kingdom servant.

For you to be a kingdom worker, you must be a child of God.


– Abraham

– Moses

– Joshua

– Daniel

– David (Psalm 89:20)


Vs 4: “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”

– Singularity. (Whatsoever is happening to a fellow shouldn’t be your standard)

– Specific assignment. (You mist work the works of him that sent you)

– Stewardship. (Giving accounts)

– The right heart (2 Corinthians 25: 1 – 2)

– You are limited by time. Bond by time. (Acts 13:36)

– You must be visionary. (The eyes are useless if the mind is blind)

– We are bounded by guidelines.


a.) Humility. (You cannot go far if you are not humble. There should be no qualification class in the house of God. When you come into the house of God, you have to humble yourself)

b.) You must have a burden. (When you see sinners, you should have a burdened heart. The burden for lost souls should be in your heart. You should be a able to say like Paul, “woe is me, if I preach not the gospel”. You may need to seat amongst the sinners to win them.) If you don’t have burden for lost souls, you are lost.

c.) Faithful. 1Corinthians 4:2 (Doing whatever you hands finds)

d.) Rest. (If you are not resting, you’ll be laid to rest) There’s no super human being. It is important to recall. To retreat. Jesus rested after His work. You need to change your oil occasionally, but don’t rest when you’re to work.

e.) Integrity. (What you say is life. When you teach that which you’re guilty of, It doesn’t show you have integrity. It is hypocrisy. Integrity is what you do when no one is around you.


In heaven, there are different apartments… strive to be in heaven.

The first benefits of being a kingdom servant is sharing a part in the kingdom.


1. Divine health

2. Life elongation

3. Honour

4. Material blessings.


Before you know your tool, search out your assignment. Find out your assignment.. It’ll help you know. The tools for service are:

1. Grace and Mercy

2. Fruit of the Spirit.

3. Gifts of the Spirit.

a) Revelational gifts. (Words of Wisdom, Knowledge and discerning of Spirits)

b) The power gift. They demonstrate God’s power, visibly. (Faith, healing working of miracles)

c) Vocal gifts. (Prophecy, Diverse kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues)


1. This year, Lord, give me appetite to seek you.

2. This year, Lord, help me to make you my priority.

3. This year, position me and propel me to a greater height.

4. This year, Lord, any man or woman, out to do evil o me, move ahead them and favour me.

5. Any trap set to catch me this year, I escape it. Let the trap catch their setters.

6. This year 2020, my helpers will not die.

7. Because of me, my helpers will not die

8. I shall not experience the negatives I experienced last year.

9. Lord, make me strong and encourage me.

10. Lord, this year, increase me on every side.

11. This year, Lord, send me customised helpers.

12. This year, Lord, connect me to the announcers of me destiny.