Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji 

Date: Sunday, 26th January, 2020

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: John 15:1,8, 1 Cor 3:13-15, Matt 7: 22-23.

John 10:1-4

Vs 1: Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.

Vs 2: But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.

Vs 3: To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

Vs 4: And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.

How do you recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit?

Most common/primary way is through the bible. For instruction, guidance, direction and to reprove us. As you read it, put it into practice. The Bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Secondary, is the inner voice. We call it a small still voice. It will speak to your thoughts and mind. If your mind is dirty and filled with junk,it will be difficult for you to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit. How do you pick if he’s the one speaking or not? The more you listen to the word of God, the more you get familiar to the voice of the Holy Spirit.

How to differentiate between the flesh and the holy Spirit?

1. God’s voice is quiet and gentle. He speaks quietly and if you don’t respond, he will leave you alone WHILE the voice of the flesh would be harsh, strong sometimes, withdraws your peace most times and would be contrary to the instruction of the Bible

2. God’s voice is loving and patient WHILE the other impression may be impatient and demanding.

3. God’s voice will give you time to understand what he is passing across to you, the value, the benefits and the dangers if you don’t do it WHILE the other impression will push you and make you impatient till you it, he would say ‘do it, do it’ until you land in trouble. Take time to pray and consult God concerning it.

4. God’s voice gives strength and encouragement WHILE the other impression comes with discouragement and leads you to fear and confusion.

5. It comes with a total package of God’s goodness and love to you. It is like accessories when you get a phone. WHILE the other voice will take from you. ‘If you want me to pray for you, bring money.’ He likes barter deal. Any pastor that asks you to pay for prayer is fake.

6. God’s voice speaks and leaves you with a sense of peace and assurance that you have pleased him WHILE the other voice puts you under pressure and comes with threats.

7. God’s voice will never impress anything that is contrary to the Bible teachings WHILE the other voice will make you think that you feel that your situation is an exception to the Bible so that you do it. It promotes unholy things.

8. God’s voice l will lead you to take actions that will lead to peace, oneness, unity and harmony amongst the brethren WHILE the other will tell you to cause trouble

9. God’s voice will make you consider other people Phil 2:4. Never lead you to do anything that will harm someone WHILE the other will make you think about yourself and not care about any other person.

10. Anytime God speaks, it will leave you with a feeling that will make you humble before God.

11. God’s voice will always come sometimes with a strong instruction that will lead you to huge sacrifices for your good. It might be Discipline, time.

12. God’s voice sometimes speaks once and withdraws, other times, he might repeat himself for the purpose of urgency the realizes that you aren’t responding, he will withdraw.

13. The voice of God and other spirits are always wrestling and you will determine the winner. John 6:63

How do I train my conscience to discern the voice of the devil and the Holy Spirit?

1. Thank God always for your conscience. Some have a dead conscience.

2. Ask God consistently to keep your conscience tender and alert.

3. Ask God to guide you always concerning what you should feed your spirit man with.

4. Respect your conscience as a person. When you feel unease in your conscience, pause and pray. Again concerning the matter.

5. Confess to God repeatedly, your total dependence on Him a s a result, he will guide you in all things.

6. Be willing to accept biblical standards. As you read, you will discover new things but be willing to obey his words.

7. Develop the mind of Christ as the spirit of God assists you. Gal 5:22-23. Charisma without character will lead to crisis.

8. Live in God’s word. Be a practitioner of God’s word. Read, meditate and study the Bible.

Prayer point

Holy Spirit inject my life with your fire.