Pastor Wole Daniels

Date: Sunday, 23rd February, 2020

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Ex 25:9; 25:40; Ex 26:30

“Vs 9: According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.”

“Vs 40: And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount.”

Exodus 26

“Vs 30: And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle according to the fashion thereof which was shewed thee in the mount.”

Just like in any other thing, there are laws. If you follow, you enjoy the benefit of it.

The lord is echoing the same thing in the three chapters. You do not have the liberty to do what you like, you must do what He has shown you. You can’t live the way you like. The lord has a design for you and that is the pattern you must find out. If you don’t want to live a life that is worthless, you must find the pattern.

The most important thing to anybody is to know what God wants you to be, what he created you for. Unless you have seen that, you may just be living the way you like. The issue of your life is a crucial thing and until you see the design, you can never be fervent. Lev 6:13

“Vs 13: The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.”

The fire of the altar of your life would not go out if you see the desire of God and be willing to pursue.

The laws of fervency

1. The law that you must be born again John 3:3

“Vs 3: Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

2. The law of recognition of yourself. When you see the distance between where you are now and then see what God wants you to be, you then begin to run. ‘See where my contemporaries are’ No one is your contemporary in the race of life. Your fire can only be kept burning when you recognize yourself.

3. Avoid idleness. Matt 20:3. Many are idle in the market of life.

May the Lord open your eyes to see where you can be engaged, May you not stand where you are not needed may God help you locate where your destiny will be relevant in Jesus name.

4. Avoiding dissipation Luke 10:41 there are those occupied doing so many things but are not doing the needful.

The kingdom wisdom, knowledge and understanding to put your energy where God requires it, may God grant it unto you in Jesus name.

5. You must pray the promise of God. Acts 1:4. Acts 2:1.

May the Lord help you to be humble enough to accept that God is in charge. To accept that God is not doing anything to please you but please himself in Jesus name.

If you want to be fervent, always ask for the promise of God so you don’t get discouraged.

6. Stop talking about past exploits. Phil 3:13

“Vs 13: Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,”

‭How old are you that you are already talking about history. Remove the ashes of your past achievements, throw them behind you and pursue what God wants to do through you, that will keep your fire burning. But if you keep them , as the ashes keep piling up, the fire would be put out.

7. Avoid aloofness. Mal 3:16 Don’t be alone or wander alone. Make sure you are in the midst of the brethren, someone also on fire that you want their iron to sharpen yours. One of the problem Judas had was that he was going alone to meet those Pharisees. You must have somebody to keep you burning. May the lord give you a friend that will sharpen your fire and keep you fervent in Jesus name.

8. Avoid fire quenchers, if you don’t do, there will be trouble. Gal 1:9 Anyone trying to dampen your zeal in the lord, preach to you another gospel, avoid such persons. Whether the person is your relative or colleagues, avoid them. Your light shall not be put off in Jesus name. ‘Your dressing doesn’t really matter, God addresses the heart’ ‘Show me where smoking is written’ ‘Bible did not say don’t drink, don’t get drunk is what it says’ Avoid them!

9. Avoid immorality. Unlike Samson. Judges 16:4. When there is fire in your life, it will attract so many things, people. Some good, some bad.

10. Retain your duty post. Acts 22:17:21.

May you not stay where your fire would quench, may you go where the Lord has sent you. May the enemy find it impossible to handle your fire in Jesus name.

Prayer Point

• Father, take me beyond the level the enemy can handle in the mighty name of Jesus.

• Fresh fire of God, fall upon my life.

• Fire to fulfill destiny, fall upon my life