It’s surprising how we throw the word ‘love’ around yet throw the meaning away. The most powerful hunger in the world is the hunger for love; to be appreciated, admired, validated and wanted by another.

For this, many have done the impossible, said the unspeakable and sold their not for sales! Many have killed, all for love. Many have disobeyed parents and authorities for love, many lost their dignity and pride all in the name of love. Permit me to state that love is not just AFFECTION but rather it’s DEVOTION.

The desire to love and be loved is real and common to us all whether in Chile, Congo, Canada or in Cross-River. But we must do it right else we’d keep messing and mixing it up.

First off, love must be TIMED.

The wise king Solomon said “there’s a time to love and a time to abstain”, “do not awaken love before it is time”!

Don’t kick start the car if you have no destination in mind but more importantly don’t kickstart the car unless you’ve mastered the art of driving the car called LOVE. Are you really ready for all that comes with allowing another spirit that has a soul inserted in a body come into your space?

Secondly, love must be SYSTEMATIC, yes! It must be gradual and carefully set, lines upon lines and layers upon layers if it must stand the test of time. Stop trying to be patient in prayer to fix a foundation you were never patient to build. A house is only a good as it’s foundation.

Loving others is directly proportional to how we LOVE GOD & LOVE ourselves. Your LOVE for others will be a BURDEN if you haven’t cultivated GOD-LOVE & SELF ACCEPTANCE. Stop trying to fix a roof on a house whose foundation you haven’t built. You won’t die for not being in a relationship but you can die by being in the wrong one. There’s no better half anywhere, work on yourself and complete yourself. It takes times but there’s no more worthy investment than in who you have been configured to be..

Many may be running outside there but in this kingdom of Love we RUN by WAITING not by RUNNING. There is no comparison or hurry neither should you jump on anyone who mentions the word LOVE just because age is not on your side. My dear, GOD is TIME and GOD is not running away. Right things with the right person need the right time to remain right. When the time is right God will make it happen and He will do it in ways beyond your dreams.