Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Date: Sunday, 17th of January 2021

Ministering: Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji

Text: John 6:6

Good morning church. Happy New Year once more.

Our Bible text for today reveals what made Jesus an epitome of excellence – Useful Information.

The text reads thus:
“He said this to stretch Philip’s faith. He already knew what he was going to do.
(The Message Version)

From our text above, in line with emulating Jesus, two noteworthy points are revealed. Namely:
Like Jesus,
1. Knowing what to do and doing it excellently takes one to the realm of greatness. A wise man rightly said: “if you lack information, you’ll be deformed!” Beloved, it is very important for us to be certain of what is required of us.
2. Revelation is key to a life of excellence.

3 Levels of Useful Information:

1. Information in your area of assignment, calling or vocation is vital if you must succeed (1 Sam. 15:16-18).

2. Information regarding the secrets of success and excellence (Job 29:4).
i. As Christians, we shouldn’t be limited to reading our bibles only if we want to maintain relevance and ensure we aren’t nuisances. (Dan. 9:2).
ii. While it is good to pray, prayer on its own isn’t enough. Seek information on what makes successful individuals successful as what you’re trying to achieve has once being achieved. One need secrets, information, and Rhema!

I pray for you this year that what you need to do to succeed this year, God will reveal it to you in the name of Jesus.

3. Information regarding the stories of those who excel. (Jud 7:17).
i. The secrets of men are in their stories.
ii. Those who succeed have success stories.

In rounding off the lecture, I counsel us to:
1. Discipline ourselves to assess relevant information.
2. Be determined to obtain and pursue useful information.

This reminds me of an encounter with a friend who was willing to share insights with me on farming. Knowing I wasn’t versed in that area, and ever being the info-hunter, I humbled myself and learnt from him. Not so long after, I went for a training on rabbit-farming and things related. Today, I’m a Pastor as well as a farmer. Moral? Obtain and pursue useful information.

Beloved, God gave you a brain so you can give him rest. Don’t be mentally lazy. Think!

3. Research on the biographies of outstanding and successful people.

Doing the above is a guarantee that you’re on the pathway to excellence. Selah.

Prayer Points:
1. Father, this year, lead me the way I should go and teach me to profit in the name of Jesus.
2. O Lord, this year, deliver me from distractions and help my mind to stay focused on you in the name of Jesus.
3. Lord, this year, add profit to my labor in the name of Jesus.