Pst Gabriel Okwuofu

Date: Sunday 21st March, 2021


Service: 2nd

Text: Rom. 2:14-15

Good morning Church. Happy Sunday to us all.
In providing a prelude to our lecture for today, I’d state expressly that God did put a conscience in us to give us an awareness of Him as well as help us differentiate between right and wrong. It must be mentioned though that certain things can however cause it to be warped.

States in which the conscience could exist:
1. The Corrupt Conscience (Titus 1:15) – Man’s conscience can be corrupted. This happens when a man constantly works against his conscience causing it to lose its functions or get weak.

What are the influences that corrupt our conscience?
a. The sin nature in man.
b. The wisdom of the world (1 Cor 3:19)
c. Friends.
d. Life’s experiences.
e. Your culture or orientation.

2. The Seared Conscience (1Tim 4:2)– Here, the conscience loses every sense of feeling – losing sensitivity to the spirit.(Isa. 5:20)

3. The Weak Conscience (1Cor 8:7) – On the flip side of the seared conscience is the weak conscience. People with such consciences upon falling into sin go on in its condemnation and guilt. This causes them to go around with burdenness of heart, gloominess and without any joy of salvation. They have this feeling that “God isn’t happy with me” and the devil keeps on bringing condemnation and guilt. As Christians, on the occasion of falling into sin, the right approach to repentance is simply to ask God for forgiveness and as much as possible desist from perpetuating both the sin and its guilt. (1Jn.1:19).

How do we maintain a good and clear conscience?
(Acts 24:16, Heb 10:22)
1. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. John 16:8
2. Let the word of God serve as your compass.
3. Keep cleansing your heart with the blood of Jesus. Heb 10:14
4. Let love be your guiding principle.
5. Continually pray for wisdom and a clean conscience.

Prayer Points
1. Lord, heal my conscience in Jesus name
2. Oh God my father, circumcise my heart in the name of Jesus