Pst. Emmanuel Oladimeji

Date: Sunday, 2nd of May, 2021
Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church
Text: Jer. 24:7, Dan. 11:32b, Phil. 3:10a

Happy Sunday Church and happy new month to us all.

I’d begin our teaching for today by telling us what most of us are already aware of and it is that we all are in pursuit of a goal be it success, wealth, or happiness. As noble as all that sounds, the ultimate pursuit of all as revealed in our texts is knowing God.

Beloved, knowing God isn’t a function of the office/role one holds or plays in church. Many a pastor, many an usher, many a chorister, many a worker in the house of God who have no clue what the essence of their service is. Friends, God wants us to know Him. Beyond knowing, God wants us to grow into companionship with Him – a Father to child relationship. Yes! An Abba Father intimacy.

How to Know God:
For the penitent heart who is truly seeking, the question becomes: “How do I get to know God?”
The answer lies in Jer. 29:13:

“And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.”

As can be seen from the above, knowing God requires our searching with all our heart.

Through the ages, men seek wealth, pursue fame, chase goals but not God. Only after we are met with frustrations and embarrassment do we turn to God. No! Seek God and gold will seek you.
Solomon’s wealth came not because he sought it. No. It came because he sought to do God’s bidding with pure motives. Seek God dear brother, seek God dear sister.

We cannot claim to love God and hold onto things that hurt Him. We cannot claim to love God and still need to be cajoled into working in His vineyard. We cannot claim to love God if we don’t trust Him in the midst of our storms.

I pray for you dear friends, may your passion for Jesus increase now in the name of Jesus.

The story goes of a young girl who was been taught about Jesus and his qualities by her C.R.K teacher. To round off her teaching, the teacher said “unfortunately, He died about 2000 years ago”. Surprised, the young girl signaled her mistress and said politely “you’re mistaken ma. It is not possible that the man you just described is dead. He is my neighbor. He lives very close to our house.” The teacher rightly tried to correct this young miss by repeating that Jesus truly died around 2000 years ago but the little girl wasn’t going to have any of that. She politely told her teacher again that all those attributes she listed was the way of life of a fellow living next door to her.

Moral? That young girl’s testimony about her neighbor should be the testimony everyone has of us. Yes, “Christ in us” should be visible, and radiant. It should be the true reflection of Christ – not the tainted.

Don’t in church look like a saint and outside church a harlot. Friends, sinners shouldn’t on the account of our kind of Christianity prefer to go to hell rather than give their life to Christ. No!

Friend, your name is either written in the book of life or not. You are either an exact sinner or an exact Christian. There is no such thing as a moderate sinner or a moderate Christian.

Desire to know God?

  1. Repent genuinely and be saved.
  2. Fellowship with Him through studying His word.
  3. Spend quality time with Him in prayer.
  4. Be committed, and dedicated also be prepared to live sacrificially.
