Pstr. Emmanuel Oladimeji

Date: Sunday, 6th of June, 2021

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: 2 Tim 1:6

Happy Sunday Church and welcome to a new week.
I have a charge for you this glorious morning. One that would aptly launch us into our “Activate” series. The same charge Paul had for Timothy and it is this: “Wake up your inner treasure.”

Our text reads:
“Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.”

In realizing that God doesn’t create empty people, Paul sensed within him that like most people Timothy had treasures that were in urgent need of activation.

I have a witness in my spirit this morning that no one returns home empty in the name of Jesus.

Want your treasures activated? Then,

  1. Recognize that God is the giver of all gifts and talents, and unto Him should we primarily deploy the gifts and talents;
  2. Come to the realization that you’ve got dormant innate treasures.
  3. Understand that your predestination isn’t a function of the circumstances surrounding your birth (Jer. 1:5).
  4. Be determined not to allow your background relegate you.
  5. Identify your own gifts and talents based on your natural innate abilities and potentials;
  6. Identify the skill/knowledge gap that you should have based on what you know now and what you ought to know;
  7. Acquire knowledge in that particular gift/talent area through reading books and regular trainings – online and physical trainings;
  8. Call forth your gift;
  9. Fresh baptism of fire Luke 3:16;
  10. Ask for the Holy Ghost to overshadow your life;
  11. Realize that divine provisions for destiny-fulfilment is in you already. Just activate it!
  12. Identify a godly person as a buddy/instructor/mentor, one you can always get guidance and instructions from whenever you need same.
  13. Acquire on-the-job practical experience and exposure to hone your gifts/talents;
  14. Identify an area of Kingdom service where your gift/talent is relevant/needed and apply them there. Please join a group in the church today if you are yet to do so.
  15. Like Joseph, Daniel etc., be prepared to guard your treasures from the limitations of careless living, visionless-ness, prayerlessness etc.

I prophesy into your life that what God has planted inside of you would find expression and materialize in the name of Jesus.

Dear friend, the time to activate your potential is now. Kindly take immediate actions with these steps now. Make this a project that you must achieve by the end of this series and connect to this divine agenda this month for a destiny transformation.
