Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji


27TH JUNE 2021

This morning we’d be addressing the area of dreams. I pray for somebody today, this is your hour of deliverance in Jesus’ name. (Amen)

Our anchor scripture this morning is Job 33: 15-18:

”In a dream, in a vision of the night, When deep sleep falleth upon men, In slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, And sealeth their instruction, That he may withdraw man from his purpose, And hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, And his life from perishing by the sword.” (KJV)

Beloved, take note of the following:

  1. Dreams can either be revelatory in nature, making you have instant results or proverbial, getting results in a gradual process.
  2. Dreams quicken the steps one should take in life.
  3. Dreams are a means of spiritual communication, either from God or from the devil. A dream could come from God, from the devil , or as a result of the kind of work you do.
  4. Dreams play vital roles in people’s lives.
  5. Not having dreams at all is a suicide assignment from the pit of hell. Dreams can cause the following unannounced:
  • It could cause barrenness: physically, spiritually, financially, materially, etc.
  • It could cause rejection before people: Some people just begin to experience unexplainable hatred from those who have be celebrating them in the past, after having certain negative dreams. Your dream life is like a monitor giving you updates about things going on in the realm of the spirit.
  • Dreams could cause a negative satanic confrontation without a just cause.
  • Dreams could cause continuous attack against your gainful employment, career , marriage or life
  • Negative dreams could cause living a slow and low profile life.
  • It could cause prayerlessness and sudden death. Eating in the dream all the time may lead to sickness.


  1. No matter the nature of the dream you have, when you wake up don’t be afraid
  2. Praise God for His Almightiness and ability to deliver from all kinds of evil
  3. Make positive declaration and confession in line with God’s word. E.g. Isa. 7vs7, 37vs 33-35
  4. Boldly enforce what you believe and what God says over your life
  5. Have a brutal, effective and functional altar of prayer


  1. Learn to give God thanks
  2. Don’t be careless with divine information
  3. Take quick action. Don’t procrastinate
  4. Pray

Prayer Points:

  1. Anything giving the enemy upper hand over me, father forgive me, and I promise not to go back to my vomit.
  2. Blood of Jesus, transform my dream life.
  3. I challenge my dream life with the Holyghost and fire.
  4. In the name of Jesus Christ, every evil dream about my life and my family, thus saith the Lord, it shall not stand, neither shall it come it come to pass.