Pst Samuel Yilu

First Service

Date: Sunday 18th of July, 2021

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Joshua 14:10

Happy Sunday Church and happy new week.

Our God is a God of purpose and so when He bestows gifts, He does so purposefully.

Beloved, your life is one such gift.
You’re simply alive because you have a purpose God wants you to fulfill before you die.

Our topic reads, “kept me alive”. The phrase was used by two men in the Bible named Caleb and David. Both witnessed various battles but the Lord kept them because He had an assignment for them which they had to fulfill (Joshua 24: 29-31).

We cannot afford to live aimlessly and do things just the way we want, we must learn to live according to God’s purpose.

Do You desire to do God’s bidding – Your Purpose? Then,

  1. First and foremost, receive the Holy Spirit. Friends, without the Holy Spirit we cannot attempt to do good deeds for God (Acts 1:4 &5). Thereafter, we are required to witness to others (Acts 1:8; 9:18 &19).
  2. Recognize that God wants us to move in signs and wonders (Mark 16:20)
  3. Understand that God desires we worship Him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23-24). It means the totality of our lives should be consecrated to Him.
  4. Recognize God wants an unblemished holiness.
  5. Recognize that God only beckons on hard workers. Lay on your secular career a spiritual edifice. (Acts 26:16).

Why Has God Kept Us Alive?

  1. So we may know Him and the power of His resurrection (Romans 8:11).
  2. So we may proclaim the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:11).
  3. We are kept alive so that the priceless and precious blood of Jesus that was shed for us will not be wasted.
  4. So we can share our knowledge and experience with His people all over the world.
  5. For us to be light to those still in darkness.
  6. So we can live in holiness and purity of heart.
  7. So we can worship Him in spirit and in truth.

How can we appreciate God for keeping us alive?

  1. We must surrender all to Jesus without reservation.
  2. Follow God wholeheartedly.

Conclusively Beloved, it is wise to keep in remembrance that God’s mercy also comes with the judgment, so please never take God for granted.
