Pst Emmanuel Oladimeji

Second service

Date: Sunday 18th of July, 2021

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Psa 85:4, 5 & 6, Psa. 85: 1-13

Happy Sunday people of God and a happy new week to you.

Beloved, I put it to you plainly that only the broken heart with a broken spirit will God hear their cry for revival. The broken heart friends, is a heart that is ready to change and is ready to pray for that change.
A proud heart simply cannot be revived.

Comparisons between a proud heart and a broken heart:

  1. Proud people focus on the failures of others while broken people are overwhelmed by their own spiritual need.
  2. Proud people have a critical fault finding spirit while broken people are compassionate.
  3. Proud people are self-righteous while broken people esteem others better than themselves.
  4. Proud people have an independent and self-sufficient spirit while broken people have a dependent spirit. They understand that they need other people to succeed.
  5. Proud people always want to prove that they are right while broken people are always willing to yield to instructions and directions.
  6. Proud people are protective of their right, time and reputation while broken people deny themselves certain things to make others happy.
  7. Proud people desire to be served always while broken people are motivated to serve others.
  8. Proud people desire to be a success at the detriment of others while broken people are motivated to make others succeed.
  9. Proud people have a drive to be recognized and appreciated all the time while broken people see it as a privilege to be part of what God is doing.
  10. Proud people are wounded when others are promoted while broken people rejoice when others are lifted up.
  11. Proud people feel confident in how much they know but broken people are humble with what they know.
    Beloved, an unteachable spirit cannot last with God. An unteachable spirit cannot be revived.
  12. Proud people cause confusion and stir up controversy among the brethren but a broken person brings peace, oneness and unity to the brethren.

I conclude with these parting shots:

  1. While it is a good thing to pray for revival, our heart must be prepared to be revived.
  2. We need to turn from sin, from evil ways before we can be revived.
  3. To run the Christian race successfully, one needs to avoid distractions. Simply face your front. Be focused.