Pastor Lawrence Chovwen

Sunday July 25,2021


Text: Psalm 85:6

Prophetic word: There’s someone here today, God will convert your sorrow to celebration and every satanic agenda for your life shall be destroyed by fire!(Amen)

Heaven shall destroy the powers that want to mock you by fire. All that’s stolen from you in the period of ignorance, today, you shall recover them by fire in Jesus’ name (Amen)


  1. Revival is renewal
  2. Revival is restoration
  3. Revival is the fresh flow of love, life and power.

Any power anywhere that says you shall not be revived, shall die in Jesus’ name.

We need a fresh move of God. We need to experience the Holyghost fire in our midst, we need to have an encounter. Without an encounter, you cannot experience the move of God. Those that saw the move of God are those that were determined to see that something happened in their lives.

Let’s consider the life of Jonathan Edwards (1735). He wasn’t happy with the happenings in his environment and desired a move of God. Hence, he spent hours praying and fasting. He also wrote a book titled “Sinners in the hand of an angry God”. When the power of God eventually came, England experienced a total change.

Any power that doesn’t want you to change for good, heaven shall destroy them by fire in Jesus’ name. (Amen)

David Bernard, an in-law to Jonathan Edwards, wasn’t also happy with happening in his environment. He also fasted and prayed because he desired revival.

Any lukewarm spirit in your life shall jump out by fire in Jesus’ name.(Amen)

John Wesley and George Whitefield also weren’t happy with happenings in their time. However when they received the power and fire of God and revival came upon them, over 2000 people were recorded to have gathered at their outreaches. This later grew to 30000 people. Though they had no microphones, people came from far and wide to listen to them.

Anything in your life, that says you will not manifest, shall be destroyed by the power of God in Jesus’ name.

Charles Finney (1857) was a lawyer who also prayed to encounter the supernatural. He encountered the Holyghost and when this happened, he said it was as if a wave of electricity was passing through him. From that day, his life never remained the same.

I pray today that your life will receive the fire of God today in Jesus’ name.

When he visited a factory, as soon as he stepped in, workers there began to confess. When the power of God comes upon you, the sign is evident when you enter into a place.

Today may you receive by fire, the anointing that will make you relevant all over the world in Jesus’ name. (Amen)

When we look at the wellish revival in 1904, they prayed a lot. Evans Robert also experienced the power of God.

One thing common with all these mentioned revivalists is that they prayed very well. There was no social media distraction. They had maximum concentration while seeking the Lord by all means. Many of us don’t look for God again. We look for miracles. However when we see the Lord, miracles begin to follow. These are the benefits of seeking the Lord. When revival comes upon you, miracles follow.

I pray you receive the power that makes you seek the Lord day and night in Jesus’ name.

The Azusa sreeet revival of 1906: We see a man desperate to connect to the power of God, Williams J Seymour. He desired to carry the fire of God like Reverend Parham. God instructed him to fast. He also prayed for 5 hours daily and kept praying for two and a half years for the power of God.

He later increased the prayer tempo to 7 hours daily on God’s instruction. He began to pray for 7 hours daily, for another two and a half years, and that was when the power of God came down. By the time he got the fire, he himself knew he had gotten the fire.

People came to look for him in his small location in Los Angeles. When the fire comes down, people will come to look for you

Any power that wants to destroy your prayer altar shall catch fire in the name of Jesus. I pray for you that you receive the power that makes people look for you by fire!

What are the secrets about these men that you can emulate?

  1. They were focused on the great work of the ministry. They labored and preached. They were never tired of kingdom business. May you not be tired in Jesus’ name.
    1 Cor 9:16
  2. They made up their mind to succeed. The office of the ministry is a tough one, you need to be a spiritual warrior in order to succeed.

From today people will gather to celebrate you in Jesus’ name.

  1. They were men of faith. They weren’t bothered and believed they would reap in due season, if they faint not. They had confidence in the Holyspirit. You must have faith in order to perform miracles.

Faith is what Makes miracles happen. They moved in faith and always expected victory at the end of the battle.

Any power killing your faith, making it ineffective , shall die in Jesus’ name.

If you pray for someone and you’re doubting, it will not happen.

Sometime ago, I was called in to pray for someone who was dying. My heart shook at first but God instructed me to go. Upon arrival, I discovered the person was dead. We began to pray and all of a sudden the dead person opened his mouth, and I poured in the anointing oil. That was how the fellow woke up.

May you receive the power to raise the dead now by fire!

  1. They were men who worked hard.
    When we recently started this ministry, some of us had to resume in church as early as 5:30am. We also sometimes had meetings till as late as 11pm.
    Nothing good comes if you don’t work very hard, even in your career.

Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of his anointing. Elisha was told he would get it only if he saw Elijah when he was being taken away. I believe Elisha stared fasting from that day. You need to work hard in order to connect to the power of God.

Every arrow of laziness in your foundation, jumps out by fire!

  1. They were men of patience. You need to be patient while expecting good things to come . You might face lots of satanic provocations In a bid to steal what you’re praying for, but you need to be patient. It’s very important.

Any power anywhere that wants to drive you from your place of glory and upliftment, shall die in Jesus’ name!

  1. The final secret is prayer.
    A song says:
    “Prayer is the key
    Prayer is the master key
    Jesus started with prayer
    And ended with prayer
    Prayer is the master key.“

Any power that wants to destroy your prayer altar shall catch fire!

The spirit ,power and fire of prayer, you shall receive it by fire!


  1. Power will come Luke 10:19.

When power comes other things come, darkness bows, people will recognize you. People will hear your voice. God begins to speak to you and you have abundance.

May you receive global anointing in Jesus’ name.

  1. Salvation comes
  2. Yokes are broken
  3. You have divine healing
  4. You experience deliverance
  5. You move in signs and wonders
  6. You begin to experience angelic security

May you receive the fire that will distinguish you in every area of your life in Jesus’ name.

Heaven shall waste every power eating your benefits in Jesus’ name

Powers from your father’s house, bowing down your head shall expire in Jesus’ name.

Powers waiting to mock you this year, fire shall consume them in Jesus’ name.

Powers that have been knocking you down, heaven shall knock them down in Jesus’ name.