Pst Gabriel Okwuofu

Date: Sunday, 8th of August, 2021

Second Service

Venue: MFM HQ Youth Church

Text: Josh. 3:5

Happy Sunday Church and happy new week.

This sermon is aimed at three sets of people.

  1. The Elijah category (1 Kings 19:18): This story mirrors those who by God’s grace are living a life of consecration and seem to be in solitude and in hiding. You’d do well to recall that, Elijah having complained to God that he was the only one left in Israel serving God was encouraged after he received news that there were 7,000 other souls who hadn’t bowed to the god baal, or kissed his image. My encouragement for these set of people is that God sees your labor. Please keep chasing God and don’t give up.
  2. The High Priest Joshua category (Zech. 3): This story does a mirroring of those who are quite sincere in their walk with God – who love God and seek a deeper knowledge of Him – but have the filthy garment of sin upon them which makes them struggle and gives the accuser a legal ground in their lives. I pray that this morning the Lord will take away that filthy garment from your life as He did for the High Priest Joshua in the name of Jesus.
  3. The sons of Eli category (1 Sam. 2:22-30): This story does a mirroring of those who not are only serving but some of who are occupying esteemed positions in God’s house. Having thrown caution to the wind, committing immorality simply having no iota of regard for the Lord. This sermon is a call back for you to retrace your steps. I pray the Lord would help you in the name of Jesus.

Against this background, we launch into today’s teaching.

What is consecration?

  1. It is a separation of yourself from things that are unclean. Especially from anything that would contaminate your relationship with God. (Josh. 3:5).
  2. It is presenting your life to God to do His will and not yours. (Rom 12:1).

Salient Points on Consecration:

  1. Consecration is unto the Lord (Rom. 12:1). We consecrate ourselves unto God so that He alone decides how we would live our lives (2 Tim. 2:21).
  2. Consecration is our reasonable response to God’s redemption (1Cor. 6:19-20).
  3. Consecration is our loving response to God’s constraining love (2Cor. 5:14-15).
  4. Consecration is final: By this, I mean that the very act of consecration is a consummate experience. The animal once chosen and placed on the altar has just one choice: to be a sacrificial lamb, without turning back. Our consecration should follow from there too it should be a once and for all surrender in other words. Like the sacrificial lamb never should we try to rescind our vow.
    In all of this does this mean the consecrated individual wouldn’t make a mistake? No. The person can make a mistake but the person doesn’t allow the sin to stay. It also follows that the person doesn’t also plans or consciously go into the act of sin. It is necessary to confess our sins and turn back to God as quickly as possible (1 Jn. 1:9).
  5. Consecration is continual (Lk. 9:23): It starts by giving ourselves to God but that’s only the beginning and we’re to continually live it out so long we’re alive.

Do you desire to be consecrated? Then:

  1. Repent and totally surrender to the Lordship of Jesus.
  2. Yield to God. Present yourself to God. Consecration is simply a by-product of our presenting ourselves to God (Rom. 6:13).
  3. Let Jesus be your ultimate example (Phil. 2:5).

Benefits of Consecration:

  1. You begin to walk in God’s perfect will.
  2. The ultimate joy of meeting with the Father in glory (Matt 25:21).

Prayer Points:

  1. O God my father, grant me an encounter that would transform my life forever in the name of Jesus.
  2. Holy Spirit of the living God empower me for a life of impact and wonders in the name of Jesus.
  3. Holy Spirit of the living God help me to live my life for Christ on a daily basis in the name of Jesus.
  4. My Father, circumcise my heart in the name of Jesus.

I pray that God will help us live a consecrated life in the name of Jesus. Amen.