This sermon would expose you to how you can live a holy life, as well as how you must set your focus on God in order to enjoy His benefits.

Pastor Wole Daniels

Date: Sunday, November 14th, 2021



Psalm 37:1 “Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong”

Jeremiah 31:14 “I will satisfy the priests with abundance, and my people will be filled with my bounty,” declares the LORD.”

There are people that God calls his people. Even though God is the creator of everyone and everything, not everyone belongs to him. We are brought into this world spiritually ‘dead’ to God.

We can only be alive to God when we build a conscious relationship with him, the nature of God is holiness, therefore to have a relationship with Him, you must be holy.

Until you are holy, you cannot be alive to God.

One must delight himself in the lord through righteousness.

Holiness vs Righteousness

Holiness is the very nature of God i.e. “separate from sin”. The main character and the person of God is holiness.

Righteousness is the way a man behaves when he wants to become holy, it is the process of attaining holiness. Once God sees that we are striving to live a life of holiness, he acknowledges us as His holy saints.

When we set the holiness of God as our standard by living our lives righteously, God declares us holy and grants us the desires of our heart.

God expects His people to be holy and this is only attainable through righteous living. It is showing the standard of God always, in the way we communicate, dress and treat others.

By God’s standard, it is not until you do something bad before God disqualifies you, but it is when you fail to live a holy life. As far as God is concerned, once we acknowledge our sins and repent, all our sins are forgiven.

God is interested in us meeting the standard he has set for us because that is how we can move from the fallen to the camp of the regenerated.

To live a holy life, we must set our focus on God. Once we are in the camp of the regenerated, we can start to enjoy the benefits of being God’s people.

We need to set the Lord before us and seek His will in every matter, then He will declare us holy.

What to do?

•           Ensure you are thirsting for the living God.

•           Pray for the joy of salvation.

•           Cry for the grace to bring forth fruit unto the Lord.

•           Try to be useful to your generation.

•           Ask the lord to pour his grace into your life.

•           Ask for grace to fulfill your destiny.

•           Ask God to quicken back to life your destiny.

•           Ask for the fructifying grace to ripen our labour.

We shall not stagger in faith in Jesus name. Amen