With love in our hearts, we wish one who has instilled great virtues in us, leading us through great paths while guiding us from hurt. A man who has not only been a pastor to us but has also been our father. Happy birthday to you sir. We, the members God has placed in your hands for you to guide, wish you nothing but the best. May the good and gracious Lord keep you, your family members, and all your loved ones.

Members of the Writers Club, MFM Intl HQ Youth Church, had a beautiful chat with none other than Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji. We believe we must have tackled some questions hovering in your mind and the minds of other members. Grab some popcorn, relax, and enjoy this well cooked and spiced interview. Also, do well to share with your family and friends.

Would you mind telling us a little about yourself?

My name is Emmanuel Oladimeji and I am opportuned to be the Pastor of MFM International Headquarters Youth Church, one of the sons of the prophet.

How did you enter into the ministry?

This is unexplainable because it was the ministry that arrested me. I was “enjoying” myself at my place of work when one thing led to another. Prior to this, I had seen myself ministering to a large crowd, and at the same time, I had made jest of people who tried to preach to me. I looked down on them because I felt they were poor and had little to offer, but a divine encounter turned everything around. Before I got arrested by God, I was a Kegite, and was involved in so many bad things. God showed me mercy, I accepted the call and now I have to give it all it takes.

What is the biggest mistake you’ve made in ministry?

One of my biggest mistakes was committing myself to the hands of people without asking God only to get stabbed in the back by these same people. Sometimes, you think everyone is your friend but there should be boundaries between those that come into your life for a short period and those that get to stay. We often think we are on the same journey and tend to sincerely divulge so much which can then be used against us. However, God sees our intentions and uses it to glorify Himself. We thank God that all things work together for good.

What is your biggest joy in the ministry?

My biggest joy recently, particularly in the Youth Church is the daily encounters people are having with Jesus Christ. People sharing deep revelations about their personal encounters with Jesus Christ makes me glad. This is because as a pastor, when Jesus Christ begins to reveal himself to your people, your job becomes easier. I continually ask God to grant people deeper encounters with Him.

Apart from the Bible, what other books have influenced your life?

I don’t have a particular book because I read a lot.

I read a book that has to do with the Holy Spirit written by Mike Murdock titled, The Holy Spirit Handbook. This book showed me the different personalities of the Holy Spirit. My favourite books are those that have to do with the Holy Spirit or the supernatural; it makes me want to know more.

How did you develop consistency in following God?

Cultivating consistency with God is not an easy task. As a baby, you’ll fall and rise. Rome was not built in a day. I have flaws. I have made a lot of errors but I didn’t give up. I keep improving, getting better daily, and try to be open with God. My constant prayer is for the baptism of consistency. I am still a work in progress in God’s hands. One thing I’ve discovered is that when you’re sincere, God will help you.

Who is your mentor spiritually and in other aspects of your life?

Dr. D.K Olukoya.
He lives a simple life. Till now, a lot of people don’t understand Dr. Olukoya. People who are privileged to have had an encounter with dark powers will appreciate him more and understand his teachings. He’s our mentor and our father.
I recently told him how much I loved him and would love to be like him when I grow up. He laughed hard and said, “o ti wu eyin na” (You’ve grown teeth already). We both laughed. I love him for who he is; he has a large heart and cares for people.

Who is your favourite gospel artist?


I don’t want to give free publicity, but I love them all. One I love very much is Mama Bola Are. I’ve had series of encounters with her in the dream prior to meeting her physically. One of the encounters with her in a dream was where I travelled somewhere for a crusade and we both ministered on the same altar. About fifteen or seventeen years later, we met physically and ministered together on the same altar. The dream became a reality and after the programme, she prophesied upon my life and revealed to me what God told her to tell me.

How do you balance both ministry and career?

Grace. It is just the grace of God.

When God called me, He told me to do His work and He would take care of my work. As I work for Him, He is working it out for me.In life, three things are very important — the right mindset, quality people, and vision. God has blessed me with quality people that handle my work. As I work for Him, He makes other people work for me.

Apart from your spirit-loaded sermons on Sunday, one other thing that stands out is your fashion style, what comes to your mind when picking an outfit for service on Sunday?

I want to look good. I want to represent God and His people well.

Usually, I tell people that no matter how anointed you are, if you dress shabbily, people would not listen to you. You don’t need to wear something too expensive before you look good. Even when I didn’t have it all, I washed and ironed my three pairs of trousers, four shirts, and one Kampala well. When there was no iron, I used to towel dry and then shake it.I discovered that anytime I look good, I’m always happy that I represent God and people well. If I don’t dress well, you won’t be proud of me. You can’t be pastoring the youth and not dress well. It is not only spiritual things that matter, we also need to encourage good morals and values.

If you could raid any gospel artiste’s closet, whose would it be?

I would pack Dr. Olukoya’s clothes if he allows it. It is the mantle that matters. Most times when I get home, my children put on the clothes I wore for ministration and sometimes sleep in them. I didn’t instruct them to do that but they just developed it. I discovered that there is something unique about it. If Dr. Olukoya would allow me, then I will take them.

A fun fact about you?

Somebody asked me about my social life and I said I’m not really a social person. There was a time, a member of the youth church saw me running and playing with my wife and kids at Shoprite.

The person uttered in shock, “Can someone tell me this is Pastor Emma?” To which I took off my face cap and showed him clearly leaving him surprised.My home is my first church. When they are happy, I am happy. When it goes wrong there, ministration will be wrong outside as well.I play a lot. I recently bought new bicycles and now I can ride a bicycle properly. I also play table tennis. I always want to improve in everything I do.

What advice do you have for young Christians?

My advice to young Christians is that they should be focused. Don’t be distracted.Choose your model(s) by the Spirit of God. A lot of people use the wrong persons as their model/mentor and it has cost them a lot.

Stay focused. Let your passion for Jesus increase and try as much as possible not to be distracted or discouraged regardless of what is going on.

What should we expect from the solution night program coming up on the 17th of June?


June is my birthday month. Many years ago I was praying to God and he said I should ask him for anything. I requested that whatever I say on my birthday should come to pass. We organised a programme tagged “Solution Night” on the 8th of June that year. That was what birthed the Solution Night — to pray for people and they in turn get results. GVVA started on the 5th of June as well. So it’s a double celebration.

What has been your biggest challenge as a pastor of the Gen-Z generation?

This young generation is very smart and believe they know everything. Nonetheless, we are coping.

Take home word for the Church?

My advice is to pursue God and every good thing that people are running after would pursue you. That’s what I do. I pursue God. I seek God and He keeps making things better.

We, once again, wish our dear Pastor, a happy birth day. Please, do not forget to LIKE, and share your wishes in the comment section.

Interviewers – Boluwatife, Oyindamola, Melody, and Dorcas.

Picture credit – MFM Int’l H/Q Youth Church Multi Media Team.