By: Pastor Omotayo
Date: Sunday, June 26th 2022.
Venue: MFM Int’l Youth Church HQ

Text – Mathew 5:8, Exodus 3:1-5, Acts 9:1-6

The first credential to an encounter with God is a pure heart.

Divine revelation is when God gatecrashes your privacy to share a secret of heaven with you.

It is when God holds you in a position of trust and gives you information that will benefit you and others.

You’d hardly see any man who has done something great for God without a divine encounter.

Ways divine encounter can occur

  1. Audible call – Jer. 1: 4
  2. Miracles
  3. Healing – The woman with the issue of blood
  4. Affliction – Joseph
  5. Praises – Paul and Silas
  6. Prayers – Hannah
  7. Signs and Wonders
  8. Battle
  9. Victory
  10. Mercy

God uses divine encounter to gain our attention. The greater the assignment, the greater the encounter.

Divine encounter increases our faith. If you’re determined and desperate, you’d have it

Hinderances to divine encounter

  1. Impurity
  2. Lust
  3. Worldliness
  4. Sinful heart
  5. Envy
  6. Hatred
  7. Unforgiving spirit
  8. Unloving heart
  9. Fearful heart
  10. Unbelieving heart
  11. Deceptive heart
  12. Proud heart
  13. Evil heart
  14. Hypocritical heart

Criteria for divine encounter

  1. Purity
  2. Broken Spirit
  3. Loving heart
  4. Sincerity
  5. Hunger and thirst for it
  6. Zealousness
  7. Prayerfulness
  8. Holiness

Prayer points

  1. Holy Ghost fire, purge my heart and my spirit.
  2. Any evil power that has taken over my soul and driving me to perdition, die!
  3. Father, give me an encounter that will change my life.
  4. Father, show me your glory!