And God said let there be light

And there was me.

A replica of him, the best of his masterpiece, clothed in his glory, embedded with virtues.

 yes!  I’m HIS IMAGE

And shall I remind you that without me in the garden of Eden …Eden was hidden, empty, lonely, and perhaps lifeless until the creation of me, his favorite piece.

Even my absence shook my creator and left a spot in his creations, and then God said it is not good for the man who wasn’t still man, to be alone until my appearance …..

And I was named in a question form

*woman * i.e. who is a man without my existence – I’m a woman.

Cause my body is the embodiment of his glory,

My womb is the center for unending blessings,

My eyes are citadels of happiness, longing, and comfort.

My mouth is home to blessing, a weapon of command.

My hands are fans to flame the gift of God, to offer comfort to my partner and my offspring

My steps are FIREBRAND

On my head is the crown of favour

Shall I remind you again that whosoever finds me as found a good thing and that I’m access to obtain favour from God☺️

I’m an ambassador of revival an IGNITER! I’m woman! A daughter of Zion

I bet you are convinced that I’m an A+ CREATURE

A creature that demands the best of God’s creativity.

Embedded in me are virtues of multiplication

Cause if you give me a house I would turn-it a home. Yes, I REGENERATE

I’m a FLOURISHING woman, cause my price is far above rubies,

the heart of my husband is safe with me so he has no need for spoil

I’m like the merchant ship, I bring food from afar

I’m blessed I’m Esther I’m Ruth I’m Deborah – THE DAUGHTER OF ZION