In Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart”, a young man called Okonkwo, had a father (Unoka) who was a pauper and a loafer.

Unoka’s own father was also poor; Okonkwo, realizing this, decided to have a mindset that he would not live a life of failure like his father, Unoka.

That made Okonkwo to constantly beat Nwoye, his son when he saw the traits of laziness in him; the trait he felt his son had inherited from Unoka.

This singular mindset and corresponding actions of Okonkwo eventually made him to become a hero, a success and a pillar to reckon with in his village.

This is similar to the situation that Jabez found himself (I Chronicles 4:1-10). His name Jabez means sorrow because he was born in sorrow.

Not satisfied with his despicable fate of misery, he decided to turn to God to change his fortune.

Eventually, God made him to be more honorable than all his brethren.

The way to be truly honorable and great is to seek God’s face in fervent prayer and follow it up with diligent work.

We should not be satisfied with our present condition; God can still make it better, if only we can pray.

God’s hand was on Jabez to deliver him from the evil of sin, trouble and evil designed by his enemies. He is not a respecter of persons; as he granted Jabez’s request, He will hear our own prayers.

He can heal, deliver, provide, protect, promote and turn our situations around for better, if only we can pray. God still answers the prayer of desperate people.