By: Pastor Samuel Yilu

Date: Sunday 11th September, 2022.

Venue: UNILAG Multipurpose Hall.

Text: Acts 6:8, John 3:3-6, Galatians 5:16, John 3:8

In every man’s life there’s always a day that can never be forgotten. Everyone has an appointment with destiny. We’re not expected to be ordinary Christians; God expects us to walk and live in the miraculous 24/7 and live extraordinary lives.

We must stop living normally and start living the “abnormal” supernatural life of signs and wonders.

To move in the supernatural, you have to become a supernatural beingDr. D.K. Olukoya

It is awkward for anyone that is born of the spirit of God to continue living in the flesh. Your walk in the spirit begins when you become born again. Your walk in the supernatural begins once you’re born of the spirit of the Living God. You automatically become a divine spectacle.

Why do we need power?

1. To destroy the works of the devil. 1 John 3:8

2. To establish God’s kingdom on earth. 1 Corinthians 4:20

3. To get wealth so that we can spread the gospel throughout the world. Deut 8:18, Ephesians 1:3, 2 Cor 8:9

Confession:I am blessed forever in Christ Jesus. I can never be poor in Christ Jesus”

4. To win souls for Christ Acts 1:8

5. To heal the sick

6. To preach the gospel with boldness when facing persecution. Acts 4:31

7. To perform special miracles like apostle Paul. Acts 19:12

Confession: “I connect myself to the miraculous kingdom of God where I belong”

How to receive power for exploits:

1. You must be genuinely born again and move from the satanic kingdom into God’s kingdom. Colossians 1:13

2. You must be baptized in the Holy Ghost and speak in tongues. If you can do these already, the fire of God is already upon you. It is now your responsibility to activate the power and fan the fire into concrete manifestation. Acts 1:8

3. Be a Bible addict – Believe and confess out loud the written of God. Declare who you are in Christ

4. You must be a doer and a practitioner of the word. James 1:22

5. You must cultivate the habit of reading Christian books written by anointed prophets of God.

6. You must cultivate the habit of praying at night, between 12am and 5am.

7. You must cultivate the habit of praying without ceasing, in the spirit, like apostle Paul. 1 Corinthians 14:18

8. You can receive direct impartation by moving closer to anointed prophets and servants of God.

9. You must discover the specific purpose of God for your life. The power of God always rests on those who have a purpose- driven life.

10. You must be passionate in winning souls for Christ.

11. You must locate your location. God will not anoint you fully if you’re wrongly positioned.

12. Listen to anointed messages, songs and hymns.

13. Fast regularly.

14.  Ensure you’re always in the center of God’s will for your life.

15. Do not be satisfied with your present spiritual level, regardless of your level of anointing, until you see Jesus in heaven.

16. Be hungry and thirsty for more of God.

17. Remember the needy.

18. Be yourself, be authentic and be unique.

19. You must be transparently honest before God.

20. Give thanks to God always for His inexhaustible grace and measureless mercy.