…by Akinyeke Ifeoluwa

It’s rampant in the World that youths and adults address the word “sex”  lightly and without significance. They indulge in it wrongfully and come to God for forgiveness afterwards. This even only happens if they get guilty. Well, God will forgive because He is a merciful God. However, the consequences of illegal sex cannot be escaped despite God’s forgiveness. 

God has made everything beautiful in it’s time and season and you should be glad and satisfied with that. Is it the goodness of God that is limited or the upliftment, riches, name, fame and favour in the life of His children? He designed all these to satisfy His children. Likewise, sex is designed by God to be effected in its time and season which is in the confinement of marriage. However, the World has made it look like a normal conduct for teens and youths that are not married to engage in it. This is one of the areas the devil has come to kill young ones spiritually and to derail their destiny from God’s purpose .

As sex is one of the beautiful gifts of God, so also is it a deadly fruit to those who engage in it illegally. I know you are curious as to how deadly it is. Here is it:

Of all the sins in the World such as killing, lying, stealing, backbiting, fighting and so on, you’ll observe that sexual sin is the only one committed within the body, unlike the rest which are committed outside the body. If two unmarried people engage in sex, it is called fornication, but if it happens between two married people who are not spouses, it is called adultery.

Remember that this body is not ours, but the temple of God which needs to be kept pure.  Thus, no one should defile the temple of God. No one should trade the precious gift of virginity for anything or anybody. To obey God is the best decision ever, and He will surely bring the right one at the right time.

The criteria for the cleanliness of God’s temple are:

✅ Purity

✅ Disinfection

 If in anyway you find yourself in this unlawful act and you feel guilty, there is good news for you. The Lord still owns you and He has something spectacular to do in your life. He said you are more precious than rubies. You only need to come back to Him and ask for forgiveness. Make sure you don’t go back to that act anymore after asking for forgiveness. The Lord is just and faithful to accept you back to His bosom. He has placed you higher than kings and queens. Rest assured, God is ever ready to accept you back.