By : Pastor Samuel Yilu
Date : Sunday, 25th June, 2023.
Venue: MFM Int’l HQ Youth Church

Text : John 2:11

What is your glory?

  1. It is the light of God in you that must shine in the darkness of this world. 1john 1:5, Mathew 5:14
  2. It is the fullness of Christ in you. Colossians 1:27. You do not hope for the glory because Christ lives in you, so it has been ordained for you to manifest glory.
  3. Your glory can manifest both privately and publicly. The glory of our Lord Jesus Christ manifested privately on the day of His transfiguration; while Paul and Barnabas glory manifested publicly.
  4. When you give your life to Jesus, you are naturally gifted and endowed with the glory of God.

Truths about glory

1. All glory comes from God and all glory belongs to God. Revelation 4:11

2. Before you are conceived in your mother’s womb, God has deposited a portion of your Glory into your Spirit. Jeremiah 1:5

3. Your glory can manifest both privately and publicly.

4. Your glory can manifest in the wilderness. For example, John the Baptist. 1John 5: 33-35

5. You can lose your glory. [Like in the case of Adam and Eve]. When glory disappears it is replaced with shame.

6. You can also recover your glory [Like in the cases of King David and King Nebuchadnezzar]

7. Every lost glory is replaced with the life of shame and humiliation.

8. Your glory manifest effortlessly and shines brighter along the things God has ordained or anointed you to do. [Your glory shines brighter in your purpose]

9. Your glory is your inner moral beauty. Your glory is your divine splendor and dignity. For example, Solomon.

10. Every divine encounter activates and manifest God’s glory.

11. You need the right environment for the manifestation of your glory. Just like the glory of a fish cannot manifest outside water, Man’s glory cannot be manifested outside God.

12. The manifestation of your glory is the fulfilment of your destiny. Romans 8:18-19

How do you manifest your glory?

1. Surrender all to Jesus.

2. Receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

3. Find out what you are anointed to do.

4. Be cautious of living in God’s presence 24/7.

5. Fast regularly and wisely.

6. Pray without ceasing.

7. Pray in the Spirit for at least one hour in the morning, one hour in the evening.

8. Start giving to people willingly and cheerfully.

9. Run away from sexual sin [Number 1 glory killer]

10. Win souls for Christ like never before.

11. Practice and do what the Bible says every day.

12. Give thanks in every situation.

13. Start praying for the sick. Intercede for other people.

14. Study the life of Great men of God who have manifested their glory.