By : Prof. Daniel K. Olukoya
Date : Sunday, 2nd July, 2023.
Venue: UNILAG Multipurpose Hall

Text : Psalm 105:14; Numbers 12:29; Acts 2:17; Amos 3:7 ; Psalm 25:14

This message is for those who have carried a self-evaluation and decided that their current position is not where God wants them to be.

There is another world different from what we all see. It’s called the unseen world. Beyond what we all see, there is another world which we need to see with another eye. That is why we need the miracle of open eyes.

If a certain level of prophetic anointing is not upon your life, the devil has the right to mess you up, the enemy is free to harm you and Heaven just watches you; and does nothing about it. The only group that the enemy has no right to harm is the “Prophets”. As a result, we must be connected to this prophetic anointing before we can benefit from God’s full coverage. – ”… do my prophets no harm…”- Psalm 105:14

Numbers 11:29- One gift of the spirit everybody should have is the gift of the prophecy. Even if you cannot prophesy upon other people, you should also be able to prophesy. If everyone is a prophet, there would be no problems. A counter voice is needed especially in this generation and this is the VOICE OF THE PROPHET(S).

Everyone is expected to be a prophet, leaving no one out – Acts 2:17.

God reveals his secrets only to his Servants, the prophets – Amos 3:7

Psalm 25:14- God has secrets which he doesn’t share with everybody but his servant, the prophet.

Four Episodes shook me to my root and threw me into prayers, and there was a breakthrough.

Episode One.

I was about 8 or 9 years old, a revival was going on in the church. An unusual old man, a revivalist was invited to minister. Coming late to the revival, I sat at the back. A woman also entered with a baby stripe on her back. In the course of the program, the man of God left the altar, ran to the back where I was standing, and he faced the woman carrying the baby, spoke to her and said “Change”. He said anytime you hear me coming to a crusade, don’t come walking upside down. I claimed to be young but did not see anything. This event shook me, and I asked myself, is this how the world is?

Episode Two

I was a small boy in the choir. Usually, there was a practice of processional and recessional hymns where the choir will match in and out respectively. We usually pray before each event. The general superintendent came before we prayed, and we handed over the event of the day to him. He then said “Someone should lead us in prayer“. A man volunteered, and as he was praying, the old man said “Shut up”. You are here with a tortoise in your “Agbada”, let someone else pray. I was indeed shocked and it drove me to prayers

Episode Three

One of our fathers in the lord died at over 100 years old. On an occasion when he was going for a crusade with his evangelists, a lady was seen at the bus stop where they were waiting to board a bus. One of the evangelists was amazed and carried away by the beauty of this lady. The old man noticed and went to the lady and said “In Jesus Name”. Immediately the lady transformed into a cowry, which the old man put in his pocket. Immediately the evangelist came back to his senses.

Episode Four

There was a panic call to a man of God from a couple who had lost 13 children. The 14th was on the verge of dying. As this man of God was about to enter the house, a beautiful lady was trying to run away, God opened his eyes and said they should grab her and not allow her to go. She was struggling, and as a result, they both dragged themselves inside. He face her and said “I know who you are, you are the one causing this problem, today is your expiry date” Immediately the lady lay upon the baby, and the baby came alive. Later after several years, the lady joined MFM. Then a youth pastor picked interest in the girl saying God led him to her. The rest was a story.

When you collect a prophetic anointing the following happen

1. You have deep confidence in God

2. You stop seeing men after the flesh

3. You laugh when others are crying

4. You escape from the pit that swallowed others.

5. Your life seizes to become “trial and error”

6. You will not be permitted to marry your enemy

7. You have access to the secrets of the lord

8. You will stop struggling with the strugglers and wrestling with the wrestlers

9. You see what others do not see.

10. You get information from heaven

11. You achieve a state of inner peace

12. You are able to stay calm, not allowing circumstances to affect the state of your mind.

13. You become more patient and tolerant

14. You stop being afraid

15. You have a deeper understanding of your destiny

16. You win a war even before you start fighting

17. It will certainly change your future

18. It empowers you to defeat your seen and unseen enemies.

19. It ensures you are never hopeless.

20. Demons will submit to the violence of your spiritual power

21. You trample upon small gods giving small powers to small people and are making noise.

A prophet is a man or woman who is an oracle or mouthpiece of God. They see into the spirit because their spiritual eyes are open.

The Psalmist was not a blind man yet he prayed “Open my eyes O lord, that I might behold wondrous things”.

One mark of the prophet is the miracle of open eyes

Why would you need your eyes to be opened?

The song “Open My Eyes o Lord…” is powerful because it allows you:

1. To see the secret of your destiny

2. To know the secret behind what you are doing as a career

3. To know when to throw your net into the ocean of life in order to catch the right fish

4. To know when the role of someone in your life is over.

5. To know your correct position in life

7. To know the secret of whom to marry

8. To see wondrous things in the spirit realm

9. To see into your future as Joseph did. Right from a teenager, his eyes were already opened.

10. To see the mysteries in the spirit realm

11. To know those who will add or subtract from you.

12. To behold your destiny ladder

13. To see the angels of your breakthrough

24. To see your hidden virtues and discover destiny thieves

The greatest barrier between the spirit and what you are experiencing is the FLESH.