Badmus Mary

Tattered, hungry and lost were the least of all the words I could be qualified with; not to mention the stench that was oozing off me. I was dirty, I need not be told. My hands were bloody, I could very well see that. I had concluded that I had no value nor virtue anymore. I doubted if anyone could stand me or stand for me. I await the end of my life, I had given up on me. It was thus an unbelievable and shocking moment for me to find myself in the open arms of this man. One who didn’t mind my smell nor dirtiness. “Thou art clean”, he said as he embraced my dirt. He fed me and clothed me. He covered my hands with his hands and covered me with his glory. He made me see value in myself and now I am made whole.  

Christ died with an outstretched arm on the cross. His arms are still open, gently beckoning on every soul that is lost, hungry and weary. Christ loves you irrespective of whatever you have indulged yourself in. His death is a testimony of that love. I beseech you therefore to come to this open arms where our home abides.

If you would want to surrender your life to Christ, if you want a change of identity, then say the prayer below:

“Lord Jesus, I come to you today with all my sins and unrighteousness. I ask you to take over my life, I surrender all to you; my life and my entirety. Jesus, I want a change of Identity, I want to be recognized with you. I lay all my sins at your feet and I refuse to go back to them. I declare you as my Lord and Saviour. Thank you Jesus because I’m now your son.


If you have said the above prayer, I welcome you to the household of faith. Remember to spend time in the word and pray daily.
