By: Pastor Emmanuel Oladimeji

Venue: UNILAG Multipurpose Hall

Date: Sunday, 1st October, 2023

Text: Psalm 122:6-9; Rom13;10; John3:16; 1 John 4:7

For us to have peace and prosper as a nation, we must pray for it. Love for a nation is paramount to its inhabitance. With love, we propel the nation forward and drive it towards success.

For a nation to develop and attain reasonable height, there must be genuine love from its citizens.

Lessons from the texts

1. You do not have legal a right to prosper and become blessed in a nation you do not love. “... the lover of Jerusalem cannot escape prosperity…”

2. Until you see the good of a nation, you may not see good coming your way

3. Nations do not make people, rather, people make nations.

4. Nations and people matter so much to Jesus that He wept – John 11:35

5. Jesus is interested in those who are interested in their nations – Luke 7:4-6

6. Your life will only become profitable when it is contribution driven. Life holds no future when it is destruction driven.

7. Nation building demands love. 1 John 4:7

8. Lovers are builders and not destroyers. They seek for the peace and stability of their nations in their capacity.

9. You cannot love your nation and not drive it forward. Love is a compeller of greatness, because a lover seeks to engage in matters that are pleasing to the nations

10. Love has the capacity to deliver and bring out the best in a nation.

What does it mean to love your nation

1. To do good things about your nation

2. Finding lasting solution to her challenges, rather than criticizing it

3. To be proud of your nation regardless of the prevailing circumstances

4. Doing all within your reach to bring her glory rather than dishonour and disgrace.

5. Praying for her, thinking well about your nation and acting in a proper way to promote law and order.

6. Doing everything positive and possible to restore the lost glory of the nation in your capacity.

7. Practically condemning her destroyer and praising her builder.

8. Protecting the structure from being destroyed.

9. Living in peace with the nation’s citizenry and strictly obey the laws that govern it.

10. Having a deep and intense passion for the development and comfort of the nation.

Ways to demonstrate love for your nation

1. Avoid lack of concern for the nation

3. Do not make your domain a den of thieves. Don not accommodate evil.

3. Stand for justice to eliminate injustice

4. Develop impact consciousness more than title consciousness.

5. Promote peace and unity

6. Look at national interest always and not a sentimental or ethnic bias interest

7. Do not run down your nation with your mouth.

8. Be willing to use your knowledge and expertise to better the lot of your nation and people

9. Do not be carried away with this JAPA syndrome if God is not calling you to go.

10. Be honest, maintain a good name and reputation. Don’t be corrupt.

11. Earnestly pray for the good of the nation.

In all of these, ponder on the following:

Where is your heart for his nation?

What is in your heart concerning this nation?

Jesus is interested in those who are interested in their nations. Isaiah 40:4,5