… by Inioluwa

Agatha lived most of her growing years, molested by men and abused by women. She didn’t know or understand what love was. Born out of wedlock by a father who had another family and by a teenage mother who hated her because she thought Agatha brought misery to her life. So Agatha grew up without love, and this made her hate herself. When she was eighteen, she chose to commit suicide but Anthony intervened; he rescued her and showered her with immense love. He so much showered her with love that Agatha couldn’t believe it was real; she struggled to understand at first but later found peace and joy in him.

They became closer, and year after year, their love grew. Anthony decided to take Agatha out on one Valentine’s Day without knowing it was going to be his last. They went to a fancy restaurant to enjoy themselves; Agatha excused herself to go into the toilet and a few seconds later, the kitchen—not too far from the toilet—blasted and caused a fire outbreak. Everyone ran out for safety. Anthony couldn’t see Agatha coming. He was anxious, meanwhile, Agatha was stuck in the toilet; she cried for help but no one came to her rescue. When everyone was out, Anthony searched among the crowd, Agatha was missing. Without hesitation entered into the fire.

The fire burnt his skin but he didn’t stop, he continued searching for her. The smoke had suffocated her and she was about to give up when the door of the toilet broke open. Anthony had come to her rescue. She was so glad and fainted into his arms. When she opened her eyes in the hospital, the doctor told her that Anthony had died while saving her. Though heartbroken, Anthony’s love has taught her what true love is.

Just like Agatha, we were lost in sin and were doomed for condemnation but the love of Christ brought us back into the fold of love. When we were stuck and caged in sin, and were tormented by it, God’s love rescued us. As we go on to celebrate Valentine, let us remember the sacrificial love of God which He has for us that He leaves the fold to look for every lost sinner.

Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. John 15:13