By Akanimo Eyoma

Imagine being told that even your spirit man needs a few gym sessions now and then. You’ll most likely think it is the most ludicrous thing you’ve ever heard. I mean, how on God’s green earth can I exercise my inner man? Well, maybe if I use Prayer Rain booklets prayer daily, my spirit man will be fully replenished. Did this cross your mind too? I wouldn’t blame you if it did. So, what is this whole article about?

Have you ever heard the term ‘rocket science’ before? Basically, it is a terminology used to describe complex scientific concepts. It would come as a shock to you that the Kingdom of God is not rocket science. Yes, it is no rocket science. Just as not every physical body muscle requires the same exercise to improve it, likewise, not every spiritual muscle requires the same level of attention.

If you want to work on your core, you’ll need to do body planks, and if you want to improve your cardio, you’ll need to hit the treadmill. Have you met a truly anointed man of God who is genuinely Spirit-filled yet has serious anger issues? I mean the type of anger that will bring down the wall of Jericho the second time. Such people are in need of a thorough spiritual body workout.

That is why Apostle Paul could tell the church in Thessalonica that they too were in desperate need of this spiritual exercise. 1 Thessalonians 3:10 says that “Paul and the apostles were earnestly waiting in prayer to perfect the faith of the Thessalonians.” Some people might be avid Bible readers and yet lack the stamina needed to endure in the place of prayer. Others can be well attuned in praise and worship but still struggle with parting from their hard-earned naira notes come offering session.

No matter how deep we think we’ve grown in Christ, we also need to humble ourselves and identify those areas that we are still deficient in. You might appear to have well-toned prayer muscles but still carry a deadly, unbridled tongue. Moses was a man who God used to wrought signs and wonders in the eyes of Israelites. He even saw the glory of God, and yet it was his unresolved anger issue that kept him from entering the Promised Land. What is that thing keeping you from your land of milk and honey? It is never too late to let go of it.