Dr. D.K. Olukoya
General Overseer – MFM Ministries Worldwide

Date: Sunday, 4th Feb. 2018
MFM HQ Youth Church
Programme: Youth Connect Anointing and Thanksgiving Service

Text: 1 Cor. 9:26

The above scripture says:

I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air

Life is a race and a fight. This scripture tells us that – one can run aimlessly. This verse is telling us that- one can be fighting but all the fight could just be one beating the air. It has been well said that the richest place on earth is the graveyard. In the graveyard, you find music that was not composed, you find pilots who never flew, you find songs that were never written, you find athletes who never ran, you find footballers who never kicked a football, you find professors who never taught anybody. That’s why the graveyard is called the richest place on earth. It is full of dead expectations, full of unexpected greatness and riches. Do not deceive yourself that only old people die – take a visit to the hospital. Go to the pediatric unit. Majority of those in the mortuary, majority of those in the hospital, majority of those who are dying are young people.

The reason for this sermon is because I do not want you to add to the wealth of the graveyard. Don’t add to that wealth. Get to where the Almighty wants you to get to. There’s no single product in the market that determines its own purpose. No! it’s the manufacturer who determines the purpose of what he has manufactured. The manufacturer of the watch manufactured it to keep time. So, you must know the reason you were manufactured by asking the manufacturer.

If you don’t know why you were manufactured, it’s then you can be drugging yourself, smoking marijuana. It’s because you don’t know why you were manufactured that’s why you sleep around with men both young and old. Young man, it’s for want of the knowledge of your purpose that’s why you think everything in life is sex. Don’t be zombies who just follow the crowd. Your motivation for doing what you’re doing shouldn’t be because many people are doing it.

I saw a young man at the John F. Kennedy Airport, New York the other day. He was in America to study but he had grown beards that even a terrorist would be proud of – a trend he copied from his friends back home in Nigeria. It was in my presence he was escorted away by the airport security officials. They kept repeating in his ears these sentences, “you must have been radicalized. If you were not, then why did you…?” I knew he was not a terrorist. It took about ten hours to get him out.

Again, your motivation for doing what you’re doing shouldn’t be because many people are doing it. World changers don’t behave like that. It is for this reason we preach the message of Purpose before Partner.

The world is becoming a doggish world – a sexually perverse world.

A pastor from another ministry came the other day to my office. The wife was complaining bitterly about the number of hours her husband spent on social media instead of praying. I then told the man to unlock his phone which he probably did out of respect for me. His hands were shaking. I went straight to his pictures and saw a naked woman with two giant breasts together with two naked men sucking each breast. Upon showing this to the wife, she fell on the floor rolling and started to cry – this is a doggish generation. The terrible thing about pornography is that it is demonically-styled. They plant an image into your brain which is very difficult to erase. Thereby downgrading your anointing and diluting the power of God upon your life.

I pray for anyone here that the enemy is using sex to confuse, receive your deliverance in the name of Jesus!

What Is a Breakthrough?
A breakthrough is divided into two categories. There is:

  • Physical breakthrough,
  • Spiritual breakthrough.

A breakthrough is:

  • A step forward;
  • A leap forward;
  • A discovery;
  • A revolution;
  • A new level of growth and success;
  • A notable success;
  • A sudden advancement in knowledge or technique;
  • It is something that moves you to your next level.

One secret that I should tell you is this – a single divinely orchestrated breakthrough can change your life forever. It brings to my remembrance the story of a brother who worked in a Chemical factory as a Supervisor. He was doing well until his boss announced that they were no longer going to be closing work by 5p.m but by 7p.m and that they were also going to be working on Saturdays and Sundays. This brother went to his boss and told him how this proposed action would negatively interfere in his communion with his God. The boss’ reply was “well, resign and go join your church”.
He then prayed this prayer with wicked madnes:

I plug my life into the socket of divine favour by the power in the blood of Jesus!

Sometime later, the european owner of the company was visiting Nigeria. When he got to the factory, he was making rounds together with the Managing Director (M.D), the Foreman and him (he happened to be the Supervisor). They got to a place where the pipes were rusting so the owner was prompted to ask what the reaction was called in chemistry. He gestured to the M.D, he got no answer, to the Foreman, he got no answer. Just as his finger turned to this brother’s direction, (our brother said he felt a cold sensation on the centre of his head) – he didn’t know what he was saying all he knew was that he opened his mouth and he saw the white man nodding his head in acceptance.

This occurrence happened two more times as the owner made rounds with them. After the rounds, the european owner gathered all the workers together and said “Managing Director, you don’t seem to know what is going on here, Foreman, you too don’t seem to know. It’s this Supervisor that knows what is going on. Therefore, M.D handover to the Supervisor, you may choose to resign or take his post”. This is how a brother who went to work in the morning aboard a “molue bus” came to Wednesday service driven in a car. What happened to this brother is that he received divine breakthrough.

Keys to Getting Uncommon Breakthrough

  1. Find God: Once you get God all other things become easy. Until you find God, you’ve found nothing. The Bible says the fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. You must have genuine salvation.
  2. Be a Bible addict: The more of the bible you memorize, the more of the Bible you can talk, you more of the word in you, the more successful you become (Joshua 1:8).
  3. Be a Prayer addict: Prayer can do anything that God can do. Prayer is awesome, prayer is powerful. The awesomeness of the power of prayer is yet to be explained to the modern day man.
  4. Be a broken Christian: A broken christian is one who doesn’t say no to the Lord. Anything God wants them to do they do it. If God says, yes they say yes. If God says no, they say no. You can’t upset them; you can’t make them angry because they are broken.

This is where we’ll stop for now.